Namestitev Joomla! in Premikanje Joomle na različne strežnike

Kdo smo Inturact je agencija za svetovanje in integrirano trženje SaaS. Naš fokus je uskladiti vaše digitalno trženje z vašimi prodajnimi cilji z uporabo najnovejših tehnoloških rešitev za razširitev vašega dosega, obdržanje več strank in povečanje vaših prihodkov. Posebnosti naše ekipe pokrivajo B2B SaaS Growth Consulting & Product Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Growth Hacking, Web Design & Development, Content Marketing, Graphic Design, Analytics Tracking & Setup, Analysis Data and celotno SaaS Marketing Journey – vse, kar potrebujete, da spremenite svoj izdelek iz nepremakljivega predmeta v neustavljivo silo.

10+ Great Questions to Ask a VP Sales During an Interview (Updated) | SaaStr

Ena od klasičnih izvirnih objav SaaStr je bila med 10 najpogostejšimi vprašanji, ki jih morate zastaviti podpredsedniku prodajnega kandidata. Vsa vprašanja držijo še danes, zanimivo. Želel sem ga posodobiti za danes in da, prišlo je do nekaj inflacije. Zdaj je res 13 vprašanj 🙂 [vdelana vsebina] Uporabite ta skript za zaposlitev prvega podpredsednika prodaje. Deluje. Ste pripravljeni najeti svojega prvega podpredsednika prodaje? Ampak tega še niste storili? Naj vam dam delni kontrolni seznam za intervju, ki vam bo morda nekoliko pomagal. Morali boste spreminjati

10 največjih krogov financiranja v tednu: ustvarjanje kapitala spet veliko, pridobi 150 milijonov dolarjev

Want to keep track of the largest startup funding deals in 2024 with our curated list of $100 million-plus venture deals to U.S.-based companies? Check out The Crunchbase Megadeals Board. This is a weekly feature that runs down the week’s top 10 announced funding rounds in the U.S. Check out last week’s biggest funding rounds here. Lots of big rounds this week, with none bigger than the whopping $1.5 billion raised by sustainability and infrastructure investment firm Generate Capital. On top of that, there were another five rounds of $100

Preprečevanje goljufij v globaliziranem svetu

As migration increases and globalisation continues at pace, financial institutions around the world are having to review and verify a greater range of identification (ID) documents when onboarding customers than they traditionally would. This is backed up by research from the United Nations (UN) highlighting that nearly four per cent of the world’s population were migrants in 2020 - three times more than in 1970. “Digital nomads” are among the fastest-growing migrant segments taking advantage of remote work policies and improving high-speed internet access to toil away while travelling the world.

10 najbolj priljubljenih člankov v januarju

Welcome to a new series here at Fintech Nexus. We publish dozens of articles every month and I always think it is interesting to see what catches our audience’s attention. So, here we have the top 10 most viewed articles from our site in January. The Future of On Demand Pay and Earned Wage Access – This was a guest post from Jason Lee, the co-founder of DailyPay, the leading earned wage access platform. He makes the case that earned wages are employees’ money and should be tracked carefully. He

Jeffrey Rogers, predsednik in izvršni direktor podjetja LiftForward o vgrajenem posojilu

Enjoying our podcasts? Don’t miss out on future episodes! Please hit that subscribe button on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or your favorite podcast platform to stay updated with our latest content. Thank you for your support! Jeffrey Rogers, President & CEO of LiftForward Embedded finance is a term that has only been around for a relatively short time. But some fintech companies have created services that could be embedded in non-financial firms for many years. It really began in the payments space and became a part of lending and we often called it lending-as-a-service before

Vodje IT morajo vlagati v umetno inteligenco – ali sta ITAM in FinOps lahko rešitev? – DATAVERSION

Artificial intelligence is the top investment area for CIOs in 2024. IT leaders see in generative AI an opportunity to accelerate innovation, improve employee productivity, and gain competitive advantage. Unfortunately, investing in AI is not cheap. CIOs will need to find significant budget to make traction in their AI roadmap and we believe IT asset management (ITAM) and FinOps may help them find those dollars.  My company recently released its 2024 IT Priorities Report, an annual polling of more than 800 global IT leaders to understand their priorities and challenges for

Dynatrace dodaja možnost opazovanja podatkov platformi za analitiko in avtomatizacijo – DATAVERSITY

Horoscope / According to a new press release, Dynatrace has introduced AI-powered data observability capabilities for its analytics and automation platform. Named Dynatrace Data Observability, the feature aims to enhance the reliability and accuracy of data in the Dynatrace platform for business analytics, cloud orchestration, and automation. The technology allows teams to rely on high-quality data, ensuring trustworthiness for the platform’s Davis AI engine. It complements existing data cleansing and enrichment capabilities, monitoring data from external sources such as OpenTelemetry and custom instrumentation. By tracking freshness, volume, distribution, schema,

Trialbee in Massive Bio združita moči za izboljšanje dostopa do kliničnih preskušanj in zaposlovanja pacientov za onkologijo in hematologijo

Aggregating channels with precision outreach to patients, family members, and oncologists/hematologists improves clinical research access for all MALMO, Sweden & NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Trialbee, your global patient recruitment and enrollment solution, today announced its Omnichannel Network partnership with Massive Bio, a global leader in AI enabled patient journey mapping platform, to help better connect cancer patients and their oncologists/hematologists to clinical trials. Visit Massive Bio at the Trialbee exhibit booth (#1209) at the SCOPE Summit on Feb 11-14, in Orlando, FL to the collaboration and how it improves awareness and recruitment