Zaključek novic Forexlive Americas FX 2. februarja: Poročilo o super delovnih mestih dviguje donose in zaloge | Forexlive

Teden se je končal s pokom, saj so bili podatki o delovnih mestih v ZDA veliko močnejši od pričakovanj. Nekmetijske plače so se povečale za 353K, veliko več od ocene 180K (in dviga ADP za 107K, objavljenega v začetku tega tedna). Stopnja brezposelnosti je znašala 3.7 % v primerjavi s pričakovanimi 3.8 %. Povprečni letni zaslužki so se zvišali za 0.6 % v primerjavi z 0.3 % pričakovanimi MoMAPovprečni letni zaslužki so se medletno zvišali za 4.5 % v primerjavi s pričakovanimi 4.1 % Povprečni delovni teden v urah in padel na 34.1 ure s 34.3 ure prejšnji mesec (to je bilo tudi ocena). Če pogledamo delovna mesta po sektorjih, zasebno

Ameriški dolar sklene zmagovit teden, ko so stave na Fed marca rasle

Share: The DXY rose by more than 0.80% to 103.90 on Friday US Nonfarm Payrolls came in higher than expected for January. US bond yields are sharply increasing as markets push to May the start of the easing cycle. The US Dollar (USD) rose to 103.90 on Friday’s Dollar Index (DXY) chart, mainly fueled by a promising labor market report that has convinced markets a March rate cut is not in the cards. Fed Chair Powell reinforced the idea that a rate cut in March is unlikely despite ongoing market

NZD/USD se sooča z močno padajočo silo sredi presenetljivo močnih NFP številk

Share: The NZD/USD showed a strong downward swing, falling near the 0.6060 level. US Nonfarm Payrolls added 353K jobs in January surpassing by a wide margin the expectations. The bets of a rate cut in March sharply declined and markets pushed the start of the easing to May. In Friday's trading session, the NZD/USD took a steep turn downwards, landing at a rough level of 0.6060. The pronounced downward trajectory resulted from a surprisingly strong US Nonfarm Payrolls report that pushed the pair into bearish domain as markets gave up

Kaj je tranš priložnost po meri in kako vlagati vanjo?

Table of Contents Bespoke tranche opportunities, a nuanced form of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), have reshaped Wall Street’s approach to investment.  Bespoke tranches are different from traditional CDOs. They focus on synthetic CDOs and use instruments like credit default swaps.  Bespoke tranches are different from traditional CDOs. They focus on synthetic CDOs and use instruments like credit default swaps. This customization reflects an evolution in financial instruments, offering tailored solutions for fixed income portfolios.  Key Takeaways Bespoke tranche opportunities, a sophisticated form of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), offer tailor-made investment

Panthers najame Dava Canalesa kot glavnega trenerja

At the conclusion of a disappointing season in Carolina, all eyes turned towards the team’s search for a new head coach. The Panthers fired head coach Frank Reich in the middle of the season after just 11 games with the team, leaving the position open for the second straight offseason. After a round of interviews, the front office settled on Dave Canales, who spent the year as the Buccaneers offensive coordinator. While the current state of the team may not be very favorable, there’s reason to believe Canales can help

Mladi vlagatelji: Onkraj izzivov, iskanje rešitev.

In the wake of "How the young should invest" by The Economist, it's clear that young investors today are navigating a markedly different landscape from the 'golden age' of investing between 1981-2021. With the era of robust returns seemingly behind us, rising inflation, and the complexities of reverse globalization at the forefront, the investment climate is undeniably challenging. Yet, amidst these challenges lies a silver lining: the opportunity for young investors to adapt, learn, and thrive in this new environment. Adapting to lower expected returns The stark reality is that

Vstopite v temno uro s prenovljeno igro Persona 3 Reload na Game Pass | TheXboxHub

Persona 3 Reload is on Game Pass, Xbox, PlayStation and PC Persona 3 Reload is a reimagining of the genre-defining RPG, released onto Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. The game is also available on Game Pass. This updated version has a revamped battle system, cutting-edge graphics and gameplay, and enhanced audio featuring an all-new English voice-over. In Persona 3 Reload, players step into the shoes of a transfer student thrust into an unexpected fate. You’ll navigate the Dark Hour, a ‘hidden’ between one

Ali je šibkejši dolar v volilnem letu neizogiben? – Orbexov blog o Forex trgovanju

It’s an axiom at this point that the US economy gets a little bit of a boost during election years. Though for forex traders, what exactly happens to the dollar is more important. Traditional thinking might suggest that if the economy is doing better, then the currency will be stronger. But, when politicians get involved, things are not so straight-forward. Also, for the record, being in an election year doesn’t make the economy immune to a recession. In fact, the last major recession – the sub-prime crisis – hit bottom

GBP/USD: Pripravljen na potencialni bikovski preboj ex-post BoE – MarketPulse

BoE je ponudila nizke smernice, vendar je napovedala, da bo inflacija v prvem četrtletju 1 spet lahko vroča. GBP je ostal najbolj uspešna glavna valuta v primerjavi z ameriškim dolarjem. Tehnična analiza kaže na potencialni bikovski preboj za GBP/USD. Britanski funt šterling (GBP) je včeraj ponovno izjemno okreval znotraj dneva, potem ko je Bank of England (BoE) že četrtič zapored ohranila svojo politično bančno obrestno mero na 2025 najvišji ravni 16 %, kot je bilo pričakovano, in omilila svojo prejšnjo sokolsko retoriko. Zanimivo je, da so člani odbora za denarno politiko prvič po letu 5.24

Matthew Vaughn bo Argyllein post-credits sceno spremenil v franšizo

Nova vohunska igra Matthewa Vaughna, Argylle, navdušuje, ko združi dve izmišljeni plasti skupaj: svet pisateljice vohunskih romanov Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard) in svet, v katerem živi njena stvaritev, Jamesu Bondu podobna Aubrey Argylle (Henry Cavill), se zlijeta drug v drugega. dokler občinstvo ne ve, kaj je resnično in kaj je navzgor. Obstaja tudi dejstvo, da je film domnevno navdihnil roman, ki ga je napisala prava avtorica Elly Conway. Če ste gledali film in ste še vedno zmedeni glede nekaterih točk, niste sami.