Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom включает милый намек на балладу чемпиона Breath of the Wild.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom включает милый намек на балладу чемпиона Breath of the Wild.

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Зельда: Слезы королевства includes a cute little nod to Breath of the Wild’s Champion’s Ballad DLC.

It will only show up, however, if you’re playing Tears of the Kingdom on a Switch with a Breath of the Wild save file including DLC.

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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – DF Tech Review

The Champion’s Ballad DLC arrived after Breath of the Wild and added extra backstory to the game’s four champions: Urbosa, Mipha, Daruk and Revali.

At the conclusion of the story, the group – along with Link and Zelda – take an adorable picture together to mark the occasion. Cue the tears.

This photo can then be found in Link’s house in Hateno Village. And guess what? It’s still there in Tears of the Kingdom.

I’m yet to visit Hateno myself in the new game, but VG247 has made it there and snapped some screenshots to show where the photo is. For comparison, there’s a screenshot of the same location without the Champion’s Ballad DLC.

Дом Линка с фотографией Champion's Ballad

Дом Линка без фото Champion's Ballad

With and without the Champion’s Ballad photo (thanks VG247!)

It’s a lovely addition for fans of both games. And it’s not the only thing that transfers over from the previous game.

Play Tears of the Kingdom on a Switch with a Breath of the Wild save file and you’ll find all your old horses are available to ride at stables. Yes, that means my multiple Eponas are all alive and well.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom уже оказалась невероятно популярной, побив рекорды и став UK’s biggest boxed game of the year до сих пор.

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