Бывший глава FTX Райан Саламе якобы обсуждает сделку о признании вины

Бывший глава FTX Райан Саламе якобы обсуждает сделку о признании вины

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FTX case witnesses another turn of events.

Райан Саламе, formerly the chief of FTX Digital Markets, is said to be in talks over a possible guilty plea with US legal authorities, igniting fresh interest in the ongoing saga surrounding FTX’s legal troubles.

According to the Bloomberg news report shared on August 8th, Salame’s legal team might formally enter a guilty plea by September, just before former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried will begin his criminal trial on October 2nd.

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The investigations into Salame are primarily driven by alleged breaches of the US campaign finance regulations linked with his girlfriend Michelle Bond’s Congressional campaign. Стоит отметить, что Salame and Bond are suspected to have crossed the federal donation limits.

The intricate web of FTX’s legal challenges deepens, as it remains to be seen if Salame will provide testimonies during Bankman-Fried’s two separate trials, in October 2023 and in March 2024.

Salame’s role at the Bahamas-based FTX Digital Markets was pivotal. However, it is worth noting that Salame was the one who initially alerted officials about alleged fraudulent activities involving both FTX and Bankman-Fried.

Со своей стороны, Bankman-Fried has denied all accusations, challenging each of the 12 charges presented against him. On the other hand, notable figures in FTX, such as former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison and FTX’s co-founder, Gary Wang, confessed to fraudulent actions in December of the previous year.

The unfolding legal drama around FTX and its key figures takes another twist with Ryan Salame’s potential plea. As the legal puzzle pieces begin to fit together, the cryptocurrency community remains keenly observant, awaiting the outcomes and ramifications of these high-profile cases.

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