
Sistem blockchain pentru o identitate digitală mai sigură și privată

Technological University’s Professional Master’s Degree in Blockchain Programming is designed to supply the latest updates related to the next technological revolution

One of the principles used for blockchain is connected to digital identity and how it can change to make it safest, understanding digital identity as the set of data about each person and which is defined as such to other users in cyberspace who can have an idea about personality, skills, activities, reputation in businesses and in the community. It is necessary to know that actions performed under the digital identity have repercussions in real life and vice versa.

In other words, all information storage such as personal data, comments, images, websites visited, places where data is shared, and contacts, among others make up the digital identity. TECH experts with a Professional Master’s Degree in Blockchain Programming explain about development of projects aimed at managing digital identity data using the properties of Blockchains, the technology which wants to return the power of control of their data which means giving people back the power over their identities, instead of a third-party.

To achieve this, blockchain technology and its ability to decentralize control of information are crucial. When a file is registered in a Blockchain system, the veracity of the information is guaranteed by all the nodes that make up the network and the data is not shared in the same way as they are in a traditional database. Also, specific functions must be implemented to access the information in this system using cryptographic algorithms, so sensitive information is not directly exposed to other people or applications running on the Blockchain, in this way, only the information of interest is shared, protecting the rest.

The most complete educational offer in Blockchain Programming

As mentioned above, Blockchain technology is the next revolution, as it will be in a brief period a relevant tool to perform many operations and transactions, for that reason, companies around the world are focused on implementing this system that was born with cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, it has begun to have many applications beyond pure economics such as data storage in the cloud, data recording and verification, which is especially useful in public and healthcare environments, or in the monitoring of a supply chain, among others.

TECH Technological University has designed the Professional Master’s Degree in Blockchain Programming that wants to prepare computer scientists and experts to deepen their knowledge of this discipline and give them more professional opportunities by deepening on topics such as Ethereum, public Blockchains, sovereign digital identity or the use in NFT and DeFi, legal implications, Blockchain architecture design, construction of the Business Case, among many other aspects.

The biggest advantage of this program is that it is delivered a hundred percent online where no matter place or time, students will have access to the most complete and updated educational program on the market which features the development of case studies presented by experts, innovative methodologies, theoretical lessons, debates, and multimedia content, all meticulously elaborated with the latest technology.

Re-Learning method

The Master’s Degree in Computing and Programming Languages of TECH is developed entirely online. During the 12 months of training, the student has access to the contents of the program at any time and from any device, allowing them to self-manage the study time with maximum flexibility and adapt to the schedule of each student.

It has its own learning method, ‘Re-Learning’, based on asynchrony and self-management. The contents are presented in an attractive and dynamic way in multimedia capsules that include audio, videos, images, diagrams, and conceptual maps to corroborate knowledge.

Universitatea Tehnologică TECH

Universitatea Tehnologică TECH, cea mai mare universitate din lume, este și universitatea online oficială a NBA din America Latină. Aparține grupului educațional TECH, o multinațională deținută de Spania, recunoscută de Financial Times drept una dintre cele 200 de companii cu cea mai rapidă creștere din Europa. Compania, fondată și condusă de Manuel Sánchez-Cascado de Fuentes, a fost, de asemenea, considerată cea mai apreciată companie spaniolă de tehnologie din ultimii 15 ani.

Datorită sistemului său de învățare complet digital, oferă cursuri de formare studenților de oriunde în lume. O traiectorie internațională care i-a permis să devină un reper în învățământul la distanță, cu un catalog de peste 10,000 de programe, peste 100,000 de studenți noi în fiecare an și 500,000 de absolvenți din peste 150 de țări.

Specialized in highly qualified postgraduate programs, they offer their students the best training programs at an international level, being leaders in employability with 97% of their students working in the first twelve months, according to data from the consulting firm KPMG

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