Comunitatea vrea să facă Kwon în aceeași celulă cu SBF

Comunitatea vrea să facă Kwon în aceeași celulă cu SBF

Nodul sursă: 1996093
  1. Do Kwon is facing legal inquiries in both Singapore and South Korea.
  2. The community suggests that Do Kwon be jailed together with SBF.
  3. The legal troubles have left investors in Terraform Labs’ cryptocurrency, LUNA, uncertain about the future of their investments.

The crypto community has been abuzz with discussions about Terraform Labs’ founder, Do Kwon, and his probleme legale. In a recent development, a community member on Twitter has expressed his desire to see Kwon jailed alongside SBF, the CEO of FTX, another prominent figure in the industry who was recently involved in a legal dispute.

The calls for Kwon’s imprisonment alongside SBF stem from the belief that the two have engaged in similar behavior that has caused significant losses for investors. The crypto community has been quick to condemn Kwon’s actions and is calling for justice to be served. However, the extent to which these calls will influence legal proceedings remains to be seen.

This came on Monday, the same day when it was reported that the Singapore police force had launched an investigation into Terraform Labs as part of a broader crackdown on fraudulent activities in the cryptocurrency industry. 

This regulatory scrutiny has intensified in recent months, raising concerns among investors in Terraform Labs’ cryptocurrency, LUNA, about the future of their investments. The company’s founder and CEO, Do Kwon, is also facing charges in South Korea related to the loss of digital assets worth $60 billion, which led to significant losses for investors. 

This development has further complicated Kwon’s legal troubles and could have serious implications for the future of Terraform Labs. Following a warrant for his arrest issued by South Korea, Kwon’s whereabouts have become unknown after he left Singapore, where Terraform Labs was based. 

The South Korean authorities have revealed that Kwon is now the subject of an Interpol red notice, raising questions about his involvement in the alleged wrongdoing. Despite these developments, Kwon has maintained his innocence and denied any wrongdoing in the matter.

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Godfrey Mwirigi este un scriitor cripto entuziast cu un interes pentru Bitcoin, blockchain și analiza tehnică. Axându-se pe analiza zilnică a pieței, cercetarea sa îi ajută atât pe comercianți, cât și pe investitori. Interesul său deosebit pentru portofelele digitale și blockchain îi ajută publicul în eforturile lor de zi cu zi.


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