Rainbow Wallet tachinează Airdrop pe Ethereum în „Fox Hunt” împotriva MetaMask - Decrypt

Rainbow Wallet tachinează Airdrop pe Ethereum în „Fox Hunt” împotriva MetaMask – Decrypt

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Portofel Ethereum Curcubeu announced the launch of its Rainbow Points rewards program on Tuesday, calling it “the first step towards including our community in the future success of Rainbow”—and potentially teasing a future token airdrop ahead.

TOATE Ethereum users were airdropped points based on their on-chain activity, Rainbow said, including their wallet balance, with extra rewards for switching from the popular MetaMask wallet to Rainbow, and for holding at least one Rainbow NFT at the time holders on Monday.

Rainbow’s points-based incentive model recalls that of leading NFT marketplace Blur, which stole away dominant market share from OpenSea by giving out points that eventually led to the BLUR token airdrop. Blur has since given out hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tokens to users since earlier this year.

It’s considered a form of “vampire attack.” A atac vampir is when a new project or protocol provides more incentives or rewards to use its comparable service over that of an established market leader—in this case, MetaMask.

În anunțul său, Rainbow a spus că utilizatorii care își importă portofelul MetaMask în Rainbow ar putea primi până la 150,000 de puncte suplimentare. „Credincioșii adevărați” curcubeu sau utilizatorii dedicați ai portofelului vor „obține cele mai multe” puncte pe un thread de tweet. Asta amintește de modelul lui Blur, care se învârte parțial în jurul unui „scor de loialitate” pentru comercianții care folosesc exclusiv platforma NFT.

Într-o fir de tweet Anunțând inițiativa recompenselor, Rainbow a reîncadrat în mod obraznic ideea că ar fi un atac de vampir, chemând mascota proeminentă vulpe a lui MetaMask.

„Acesta nu este un atac de vampir. Este o vânătoare de vulpi”, a scris Rainbow. „Ești un utilizator MetaMask care dorește să te bucuri, nu să suferi, Ethereum? Suntem aici pentru a ajuta!”

Rainbow nu a răspuns încă decripteaza's request for comment, including on whether the points program should be taken as a first step towards a future token airdrop. MetaMask a spus la începutul lui 2022 that it plans to launch a token, but nothing has come of it yet.

Ce este un airdrop?

Airdrops refer to gratuit cryptocurrency tokens sent to wallets already holding a cryptocurrency like Ethereum or suntrap, or to the wallets of early users or contributors to a new protocol or app.

Who receives an airdrop can vary depending on the stipulations of the groups sending the tokens. Similar to play-to-earn tokens, airdrops from protocols like Blur and Rețeaua Pyth reward users who participate in the network.

Airdrops are very popular in the DEFI space; last month, a single user received $ 8.4 de milioane de worth of BLUR in the “second season” of Blur NFT marketplace airdrops.

Last week, Jito, a DeFi protocol on the Solana network, announced an airdrop of 90 milioane de euro tokens in anticipation of the JTO token being listed on Coinbase. After the listing on Coinbase, the combined value of the distributed tokens hit $225 million.

Editat de Andrew Hayward

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