LittleBigPlanet Dev Media Molecule în curs de disponibilizări, raportează afirmații - PlayStation LifeStyle

LittleBigPlanet Dev Media Molecule în curs de disponibilizări, raportează afirmații – PlayStation LifeStyle

Nodul sursă: 2952897

LittleBigPlanet și Dreams dezvoltator Molecule media is among PlayStation Studios hit by layoffs recently, it has been reported. At least 20 out of a total of 135 employees were reportedly informed earlier today that their positions have been cut.

Multiple PlayStation Studios have lost staff in 2023

The writing has been on the wall for Media Molecule for quite some time. Despite being a relatively small studio, the developer has found little success outside of its LittleBigPlanet series. Its ambitious endeavor Dreams was widely praised but had limited appeal, leading to the game-making platform being shut down recently. Media Molecule also și-a pierdut co-fondatorul și senior producer în acest an.

Report of the layoffs today comes from Sports Illustrated. According to the website’s sources, Sony is targeting a headcount of 115 employees despite the studio currently developing a new game.

Earlier this year, Sony shut down Concrete Genie developer PixelOpus și laid off developers from the PlayStation Visual Arts Group on two separate occasions. Prized developer Naughty Dog was also hit with staff cuts, reportedly due to The Last of Us multiplayer game being put on hold indefinitely. Rumor has it that the project is all but canceled.

Sony has not commented on any of these reports.


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