Sixteen of these drones purchased by the US cost it USD 69 each but it was only a “green aircraft” without sensors, weapons and certification. Features like censors, weapons and payloads make up for 60-70 per cent of the total cost, he said, adding that even the US acquired five of them at USD 119 million each.
A senior government functionary claimed on Thursday that the average estimated cost of MQ-9B long endurance drones for India would be 27 per cent lower than the price incurred by other countries which have bought it from the US, asserting that it will most likely go further down during negotiations unless India seeks additional features. He also categorically underlined that so far negotiations on the pricing issue have not begun as the latest official development towards the proposed acquisition of 31 of these drones has been the “acceptance of necessity” accorded by the Defence Acquisition Council, which happened on June 15. The pricing issue is not part of this, he added.
Costul indicativ al dronelor realizate de guvernul SUA este de 3,072 milioane USD.
This works out to be USD 99 million for each drone, he said, adding that it cost the UAE, one of the few countries to have it, USD 161 million a piece. The MQ-9B India is looking to acquire is comparable with the UAE’s but with a better configuration, he said.
Sixteen of these drones purchased by the US cost it USD 69 each but it was only a “green aircraft” without sensors, weapons and certification. Features like censors, weapons and payloads make up for 60-70 per cent of the total cost, he said, adding that even the US acquired five of them at USD 119 million each.
Due to the size of India’s deal and the fact that the manufacturer might have recovered a big part of its initial investment from earlier deals, the price for the country is working out to be less than others, he said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
He, however, added that India may need to integrate some of its own radars and missiles with these drones, which may prompt a price revision. The remarks came a day after the Congress demanded complete transparency in the multi-crore India-US drone deal, while alleging that the 31 MQ-9B predator drones were being procured at a higher price. Sources said such a statement might have been made out of “ignorance”.
Reacționând la rapoartele conform cărora Forțele Aeriene au ridicat câteva întrebări cu privire la drone, aceștia au spus că este de așteptat ca toate aceste aripi ale forțelor de apărare să își facă punctele în timpul consultării. Cu toate acestea, Forțele Aeriene, Armata și Marina și-au susținut achizițiile la toate nivelurile, au adăugat aceștia.
India caută un know-how tehnologic de 15-20% ca parte a transferului de tehnologie, iar componentele și subsistemele majore, inclusiv motoare, unități de procesor radar, avionică, senzori și software, vor fi fabricate și furnizate de aici, au spus ei.
Odată ce acordul final este dat de ambele guverne, India caută să cumpere 11 dintre aceste drone de pe raft pentru a-și satisface nevoile imediate, iar restul vor fi asamblate în țară, au spus aceștia.
There may be attempts to “scuttle” the deal by floating false news and propaganda as the advanced weapons are bound to cause fear and consternation among India’s rivals, they claimed. These advanced drones will help India to surveille its enemies effectively. “It will hugely reduces the prospect of our enemies surprising us,” one of them asserted.
These drones will help India’s defence forces monitor the country’s land and maritime boundaries with greater capabilities, they said.
Având în vedere că acordul urmează să fie încheiat între guvernele indian și cel al SUA, este neapărat să fie transparent și corect, au spus aceștia.
India and the US firmed up the drone deal during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s high-profile visit to Washington, in what is being seen as part of his efforts to make India a hub for drone manufacturing.
Dronele de mare altitudine și rezistență lungă (HALE) sunt capabile să rămână în aer timp de peste 35 de ore și pot transporta patru rachete Hellfire și aproximativ 450 kg de bombe.
În 2020, Marina Indiană a luat în închiriere două drone MQ-9B Sea Guardian de la General Atomics pentru o perioadă de un an pentru supraveghere în Oceanul Indian. Perioada de închiriere a fost prelungită ulterior.

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