Dean Hall și echipa Icarus au jucat „o mulțime” de Valheim Icarus

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Recent am apucat să joc o oră cu Icarus, viitorul joc de supraviețuire de la dezvoltatorul neozeelandez RocketWerkz. Mi-a arătat frânghiile în timpul primei mele incursiuni pe planeta extraterestră a fost Dean Hall, fondatorul studioului (și anterior Bohemia Interactive și DayZ).

În sesiunea noastră, Hall m-a ghidat prin etapele incipiente ale supraviețuirii pe planeta Icarus, care au implicat colectarea de resurse, deblocarea rețetelor, fabricarea de instrumente și, inevitabil, tăind copaci. As I hacked away at my first tree, Hall told me to “make sure it doesn’t fall on anyone.”

Când ne gândim la căderea copacilor periculoși în zilele noastre, mintea noastră apelează în mod firesc la Valheim, așa că l-am întrebat pe Hall dacă el și echipa lui de la RocketWerkz jucaseră popularul joc de supraviețuire viking.

“Uh… A mult of Valheim,” Hall said. “A mult of it. We’re very happy with what it’s introduced into the survival lexicon, for sure.” 

Valheim a apărut de câteva ori în timpul sesiunii, de fapt, ceea ce are sens, deoarece ambele jocuri se desfășoară într-o lume deschisă întinsă în care vânezi căprioare, construiești baze, faci expediții periculoase în sălbăticie și trebuie să-ți faci griji pentru căderea copacilor. tu.

“I really feel like the player story we’re trying to create with Icarus, of you actually going in and surviving, you really get a sense of, with Valheim, how important the senzaţie is of everything,” Hall said.

At the same time, Hall made a point of Icarus’s map being hand-crafted with procedural elements, as opposed to Valheim’s fully procedural map. “We really just wanted you to have that real sense of exploration and everywhere being different,” he said.

“One of the challenges with procedural generation is once you’ve visited one [type of] biome, you’ve kind of visited them all. And that’s why by hand-authoring the map, we really wanted to make it feel like you’re actually exploring.”

We also discussed another survival game, Ark: Survival Evolved, which Hall said he was a fan of playing solo. Making Icarus a co-op game you could still play on your own was extremely important to RocketWerkz, Hall said. “So one of our pillars was, it’s fun to play alone. It was one of the first pillars we had, and that’s that’s how I’d often play Ark.”

Hall speră, de asemenea, povestea lui Icar, care implică procesul de terraformare eșuat legat de trailerul de tradiție live-action, ar atrage și jucătorii.

“I just love the real zen aspect of, same with Ark or Valheim or Icarus, going and just build a cabin and just survive, go out and hunt a deer, but then being able to actually explore a story in a world that you don’t know a lot about,” he said.  “[The story] kind of takes you to this familiar place, but actually gently pulls you through into this whole other world. And that was what I was really looking for in a survival game, and what we’re doing here.”



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