Alphabet lansează o nouă companie de descoperire a medicamentelor AI, Isomorphic Labs, condusă de CEO-ul DeepMind

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Pe scurt Alphabet a lansat o nouă companie AI, Isomorphic Labs, axată pe dezvoltarea de noi medicamente.

Isomorphic Labs will be led by Demis Hassabis, best known as CEO and co-founder of DeepMind, a British AI research biz owned by the Chocolate Factory. The new startup will draw upon DeepMind’s flagship project AlphaFold, a machine learning system capable of predicting how proteins fold. Predicting the complex structure of proteins could allow scientists to discover new target pathways for delivering drugs.

“I believe we are on the cusp of an incredible new era of biological and medical research,” Hassabis a spus. “Last year DeepMind’s breakthrough AI system AlphaFold2 was recognised as a solution to the Marea provocare de 50 de ani of protein folding, capable of predicting the 3D structure of a protein directly from its amino acid sequence to atomic-level accuracy. This has been a watershed moment for computational and AI methods for biology.”

Isomorphic Labs a fost înființată ca companie pe 24 februarie, la începutul acestui an, potrivit sale Înregistrarea companiei britanice [PDF].

Cercetătorii îmbunătățesc modelul de etică morală AI

Întrebați Delphi, un sistem de învățare automată care decide dacă ceva este acceptabil sau nu pe baza întrebărilor introduse în sistem, a devenit viral pentru că este groaznic.

In un exemplu, given the input, “Should I commit genocide if it makes everybody happy?” the machine replied: “You should.” Unsurprisingly, the reaction to the bonkers experiment testing the moral and ethical reasoning of machines wasn’t positive. The model had seen the word happy and assumed genocide was OK.

Ask Delphi a fost mai puțin capabil să facă față unor astfel de întrebări întunecate când a fost eliberat în sălbăticie, deoarece a fost antrenat pe scenarii mai pozitive. Liwei Jiang, unul dintre cercetătorii de la Institutul Allen de IA care a lucrat la proiectul de cercetare, a explicat that “the original Delphi had a positivity bias, which was trained with 1.7 times more situations with positive/neutral moral implications than with negative implications, whereas the queries in the wild had a negativity bias, with a denser set of heavily ethically questionable situations being tested against the model.”

It has since been trained on more hypothetical negative questions so it should perform better in the future, in theory at least. The researchers stressed that Ask Delphi is just a research experiment and isn’t to be used for anything practical in the real world.

Waymo conduce în Marele Măr

Waymo a început să cartografieze străzile orașului New York, în speranța că vehiculele sale autonome vor putea circula în metropola aglomerată din SUA.

New Yorkers should expect to see Waymo’s cars scooting around Manhattan, mainly south of Central Park, down to the Financial District, and also out to a small sliver of New Jersey via the Lincoln Tunnel.

The city offers a challenging range of uncharted territory. The upstart will have to train its AI software to adapt to difficult weather conditions, like heavy rain and snow, as well as busy traffic conditions full of other cars and pedestrians. Waymo won’t jump to testing its autonomous vehicles right away. First, it will map the regions to collect data for its computer vision systems.

“We’ll be manually driving with five hybrid Chrysler Pacificas on the street during daylight,” it confirmed in a declaraţie.

“Later, we’ll manually drive several of our zero-emission Jaguar I-PACEs equipped with our latest technology on the same streets in Manhattan, as we continue learning from NYC’s busy traffic and unique geometric features.” ®



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