Palworld Melhor Guia de Fazenda XP

Palworld Melhor Guia de Fazenda XP

Nó Fonte: 3077866

Here are the Palworld Best XP Farms. Learn how to breeze through the game’s early goings in no time.

Palworld é um grande sucesso. De acordo com sua editora Pocket Pair, o jogo vendeu mais de 4 milhões de unidades e não há sinais de desaceleração tão cedo. Capturar Pals, criá-los e usá-los para acabar com os meios de produção e trazer o capitalismo não regulamentado para o Palworld é um dos conceitos de jogo de todos os tempos.

So if you’re looking to make your first steps into its vast world, you probably want to know how to gain experience points fast, so those unlocks keep coming. That is why we’ve compiled a quick guide to everything XP and how to gain it fast.

Palworld Melhor Guia de Fazenda XP

[Conteúdo incorporado]

XP explicado

Like in many games, XP is a valuable resource that dictates the progress of your player character. It’s not different in Palworld, here it boosts your character stats, allows you to craft and build better equipment and crafting stations, and gives you access to more content.

Para seus amigos, é semelhante a outros jogos do gênero de domesticação/treinamento de monstros, onde o nivelamento aumenta suas estatísticas e lhes dá novas habilidades, eventualmente levando a uma espécie de evolução.

Important to know is however the myriad of ways experience works and can be gained. You can earn it passively by collecting, farming, and crafting or while you let your Pals work at your base. Pals in your party will earn the same XP you’re earning while Pals in the Palbox will earn none.

Maneiras de ganhar XP

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Imagem: Par de Bolso

Pegando amigos

One of the best ways to earn XP is to catch pals. Catching ones at a higher level, bosses, and on will give you massive experience gains. Arguably the biggest ones you can receive. Catching 10 one type will also give another XP boost that shouldn’t be underestimated.

So when you’re out and about, bring enough palspheres. Catching any Pal usually outweighs defeating them in battle in terms of experience gain.

Existem também Alpha Pals que podem ser encontrados no canto sudeste do mapa. Desafie-os para uma luta e capture-os para ganhar um bônus de XP ainda maior.

Concluindo Masmorras

Dungeons can be found throughout the overworld. You are usually cued in by a sparkling sound that’ll lead you to a cave. You can find all sorts of useful loot here but the boss Pal that you can capture and the bonus you get from completing the dungeon should give you a nice XP boost.

Alternativamente, você pode encontrar lutas contra chefes e mini-masmorras perto desses círculos de pedra gigantescos e brilhantes.

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Imagem: Par de Bolso

Edifício Base

Building out your base and having your Pals complete tasks is one of the best ways to earn a passive XP income while you’re out and about. It is also a great way to level up new Pals and bring them up to speed, without sacrificing your main team. You only have to make sure that you rotate your Pals in and out accordingly to cover all your bases.

And that’s all we have on XP in Palworld. Generally, you’ll get XP from everything you do but catching Pals out in the wild, especially new ones and rare ones will go a long way.

Para saber mais sobre Palworld, confira nossos outros guias, como Onde você encontra minério, para onde Encontre o comerciante do mercado negro, Como Encontrar o Enorme Ovo de Dragão, Como atribuir amigos à sua base e do que se tratam todas aquelas Skill Fruits.

We’ll of course have much more on Palworld in the coming days here on ESTNN

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