Nº 51: "Dinheiro, mentalidade e criptografia: uma jornada inesperada"

Nº 51: “Dinheiro, mentalidade e criptografia: uma jornada inesperada”

Nó Fonte: 2867574

In this episode, Doc and Oz go down memory lane, retracing their remarkable journey from conventional employment in abroad to the thrilling world of crypto. Join us as we delve deep into the foundational aspects of money, the transformative shift in mindset, and the life-changing introduction to the world of Bitcoin and crypto.

You'll hear about the challenges and triumphs they faced during both bull and bear markets, navigating the complexities of their job contracts amidst the backdrop of a global pandemic. Discover how DeFi summer played a pivotal role in their crypto adventure and the exhilarating incident that saw them turning  profits and hitting the gym with newfound vigour.

But it's not all about the highs. Doc and Oz candidly discuss the moments of arrogance, the allure of 'F*** you money,' and the transition from a traditional 9-to-5 to a life rich in crypto investments. They also explore the Degen lifestyle, the inevitable market drops, and the psychology and persistence required to keep moving forward.

Join us for an unfiltered, insightful, and sometimes humorous conversation that encompasses the triumphs, trials, and inevitable return to the grind of 14-hour shifts. If you've ever contemplated making the leap into crypto or simply want to hear a captivating crypto journey, this episode is a must-listen.

Tune in now and let Doc and Oz's journey inspire your own crypto exploration.

Date of podcast recording: Monday 4th September '23

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Crypto Unplug

Descubra joias criptográficas com AI Analytics!
MÉTRICAS DE TOKEN – Experimente investimentos orientados por IA. Navegue nos mercados criptográficos com confiança.

Planos, preços e ofertas da Token Metrics!
Métricas de Token – Descubra a plataforma de pesquisa de criptografia mais robusta e inclusiva.

TradingView – $ 30 se você atualizar
Junte-se a 30 milhões de traders e investidores que tomam decisões melhores e mais brilhantes nos mercados mundiais.

Comece sua jornada criptográfica com Ledger
Ledger é a maneira mais inteligente de proteger, comprar, trocar e aumentar seus ativos criptográficos.

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