Timeline of Burnie Court Complex Development Reveals Lengthy Process of Securing CBD Location

Source Node: 2522584

The Burnie Court Complex in Tasmania, Australia has been a long time in the making. The process of securing the CBD location for the complex began in the early 1990s and has been a lengthy journey. This timeline of development reveals the various stages of the process and how it has evolved over the years.

1990s: The Burnie City Council first proposed the idea of a court complex in the CBD in the early 1990s. After much discussion and debate, the council eventually secured the site in 1995.

2000s: In 2002, the Burnie City Council began the process of designing and constructing the court complex. The design was completed in 2003 and construction began in 2004. The complex was officially opened in 2006.

2010s: In 2012, the Burnie City Council began to consider expanding the court complex to include additional courtrooms and other facilities. After much discussion and debate, the council eventually secured funding for the expansion in 2014. Construction of the expansion began in 2015 and was completed in 2017.

2020s: In 2020, the Burnie City Council began to consider further expansion of the court complex. The council is currently in the process of securing funding for the expansion, which is expected to be completed by 2022.

The timeline of development for the Burnie Court Complex reveals a lengthy process of securing a CBD location. From initial proposals in the 1990s to ongoing expansion plans in the 2020s, it has been a long journey for this important facility. The Burnie City Council has worked hard to ensure that the court complex meets the needs of its community and continues to evolve with changing times.