Highlighting FinovateEurope’s Women Leaders on International Women’s Day

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International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of women around the world. This year, FinovateEurope is highlighting some of its female leaders in the financial technology industry to honor this special day.

FinovateEurope is an annual event that showcases the latest innovations in financial technology. It brings together some of the world’s leading experts in the field to share their insights and experiences. This year, FinovateEurope is proud to feature several women leaders in the financial technology industry.

The first woman leader highlighted by FinovateEurope is Dr. Ingrid Vanden Berghe, CEO of B-Hive. Dr. Vanden Berghe is a leading expert in the field of digital banking and has been instrumental in helping banks and financial institutions adopt new technologies. She is a passionate advocate for the use of technology to improve customer experience and increase efficiency in the banking sector.

The second woman leader featured by FinovateEurope is Dr. Jane Thomason, CEO of Abundance Investment. Dr. Thomason is a pioneer in the field of impact investing and has developed innovative solutions to help investors make investments that have a positive impact on society and the environment. She is also a strong advocate for gender equality in the financial industry and has been instrumental in promoting diversity and inclusion in the sector.

The third woman leader highlighted by FinovateEurope is Dr. Susanne Chishti, CEO of FINTECH Circle. Dr. Chishti is a leading expert in the field of financial technology and has been instrumental in helping financial institutions adopt new technologies. She is also a passionate advocate for financial inclusion and has been instrumental in helping to create a level playing field for all individuals to access financial services.

These three women leaders are just a few examples of the many inspiring female leaders in the financial technology industry. On International Women’s Day, FinovateEurope is proud to recognize their achievements and contributions to the sector. By highlighting these women leaders, FinovateEurope hopes to inspire more women to pursue careers in the financial technology industry and help create a more diverse and inclusive industry.