Bitdefender Launches Free Decryption Tool to Unlock Mortal Kombat Files

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In a recent announcement, cybersecurity giant Bitdefender has launched a free decryption tool to unlock files encrypted by the Mortal Kombat ransomware. This ransomware was first discovered in July 2020 and has been wreaking havoc on computers around the world ever since. The ransomware encrypts files and then demands a ransom payment in order to unlock them.

Bitdefender’s free decryption tool is designed to help victims of the Mortal Kombat ransomware recover their files without having to pay the ransom. The tool works by analyzing the encrypted files and then generating a unique decryption key that can be used to unlock them. This key is specific to each individual victim, so it is important to use the correct key for the correct files.

The tool is available for download on Bitdefender’s website and is compatible with all versions of Windows. It is also able to decrypt files encrypted by other variants of the Mortal Kombat ransomware, such as the MK-A variant.

Bitdefender’s free decryption tool is a welcome addition to the fight against ransomware. It provides victims of the Mortal Kombat ransomware with an easy and free way to recover their files without having to pay the ransom. This is an important step in helping to protect users from ransomware attacks and ensuring that their data remains safe and secure.

Bitdefender’s free decryption tool is a great example of how cybersecurity companies are working together to protect users from ransomware attacks. By providing free tools like this, they are helping to make the internet a safer place for everyone.

Source: Plato Data Intelligence: PlatoAiStream