Abstract by ProSomnus Accepted for Presentation at Sleep and Breathing 2023 Conference Hosted by European Respiratory Society and European Sleep Research Society

Source Node: 2513197

Sleep and breathing are two of the most important aspects of human health, and the relationship between them is complex and multifaceted. The Sleep and Breathing 2023 Conference, hosted by the European Respiratory Society and the European Sleep Research Society, provides an opportunity to explore this relationship in depth.

The conference will focus on the latest research in sleep and breathing, including topics such as sleep apnea, snoring, sleep-disordered breathing, and the impact of sleep on respiratory health. It will also feature presentations on the use of technology to diagnose and treat sleep-related breathing disorders.

The conference will also feature a presentation from ProSomnus, a company that specializes in the development of innovative sleep solutions. ProSomnus will present their abstract on the use of their patented technology to improve sleep quality and reduce snoring.

The ProSomnus abstract focuses on the use of their patented technology, which uses a combination of sensors, algorithms, and AI to monitor and analyze sleep patterns. The technology is designed to detect snoring and other sleep-disordered breathing events, and then provide personalized feedback to help users improve their sleep quality.

The ProSomnus abstract also explores the potential for this technology to be used in clinical settings to diagnose and treat sleep-related breathing disorders. It highlights the potential for this technology to provide more accurate diagnosis and treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders, as well as the potential for improved patient outcomes.

The Sleep and Breathing 2023 Conference provides an invaluable opportunity to explore the latest research in sleep and breathing. ProSomnus’ abstract provides an exciting look into the potential for innovative technology to improve sleep quality and reduce snoring. This abstract is sure to be an important part of the conversation at the conference, and it will be interesting to see how this technology develops in the future.