Wild Rift Tier List Patch 4.1b: ranking all picks

Wild Rift Tier List Patch 4.1b: ranking all picks

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The most recent Wild Rift patch 4.1b added some quality of life updates and changes to help stabilize the meta. And now that it’s been a bit of time since the patch released, here is a Wild Rift tier list, ranking all the picks in patch 4.1B from best to worst.

Keep in mind, the champions aren’t ordered in any particular sequence within each tier. In essence, only the letter placement really matters, rather than their ranking within each letter.

[Related: Wild Rift patch notes 4.1b]

Wild Rift Tier List: Baron Lane

Tier Champions
S Aatrox, Akali, Camille, Darius, Fiora, Garen, Gragas, Gwen, Irelia, Jax, Jayce, Riven, Sett, Sion
A Dr. Mundo, Kennen, Malphite, Nasus, Olaf, Pantheon, Shen, Tryndamere, Urgot, Warwick
B Renekton, Singed, Teemo
C Kayle

The Baron lane hasn’t really changed all that much in the recent couple of patches. Bruisers and high damage carries are still the meta, since dealing damage is the surest way to carry a teamfight. But a recent trend is a plethora of champions that have high survivability, such as Fiora and Aatrox, who excel at diving in heads first.

Wild Rift Tier List: Jungle

Tier Champions
S Aatrox, Darius, Diana, Gragas, Gwen, Nautilus, Nunu, Morgana, Lee Sin, Lillia, Rengar, Shen, Shyvana, Vi, Xin Zhao, Wukong, Yone
A Amumu, Camille, Evelynn, Fizz, Graves, Jarvan IV, Jax, Kha’Zix, Kayn (Red) Master Yi, Pantheon, Rammus, Urgot, Zed,
B Kayn (Blue), Warwick

As for the jungle, picks such as Diana and Shyvana are doing surprisingly well. In essence, champs that love to jump right on in, burst down the squishy targets, and just whack and whack away.

Surprisingly, Yone jungle has been seeing a lot of play. The champ’s mobility, in addition to his survivability, make him a force to be reckoned with. In addition, his ultimate’s CC engage potential is rather insane.

Wild Rift Tier List: Mid Lane

Tier Champions
S Zoe, Lucian, Akali, Gwen, Diana, Irelia, Yone, Kassadin, Karma, Vex, Corki, Yasuo, Twisted Fate, Gragas
A Akshan, Ekko, Ziggs, Katarina, Pyke, Zed, Galio, Fizz, Ahri
B Aurelion Sol, Annie, Orianna, Veigar, Lux, Brand, Seraphine, Singed
C Kayle

Zoe is a bit of a menace at the moment, especially in the early to mid game. She plays as a lane bully, and uses her advantage from lane to try and snowball the rest of the game. Thankfully, she can be burst down rather fast — just catch her out of position and CC her. She’s squishy, so the champ just pops.

Other champions who see a lot of play are those who have mobility, as to roam the map, or strong engage potential. These variables allow them to roam the bot and top side of the map effectively, following up on junglers’ plays and taking over the match.

Wild Rift Tier List: Duo Lane (ADC)

Tier Champions
S Vayne, Tristana, Caitlyn, Kai’Sa, Ezreal, Varus
A Samira, Draven, Xayah, Zeri, Twitch, Lucian
B Jhin, Jinx, Ashe, Miss Fortune, Karma, Lux
C Akshan, Veigar, Seraphine, Morgana, Senna

The majority of the best ADCs in the game have a couple things in common: hyper carry potential with some form of insurance. Vayne has massive mobility and invisibility to outplay the enemies, Tristana has her rocket jumps and incredible range, Caitlyn has her traps, Kai’Sa has her ultimate dash and barrier, Ezreal has his Arcane shift, and Varus has his ultimate to peel for himself.

For more details on Wild Rift adcs, check out our list of the best ADCs in Wild Rift 4.1b.

Wild Rift Tier List: Support

Tier Champions
S Karma, Nami, Thresh, Pyke, Senna, Yuumi, Seraphine, Soraka
A Ashe, Lulu, Alistar, Nautilus, Gragas, Janna, Sona, Rakan, Braum, Lux
B Morgana, Sett, Shen
C Blitzcrank

As for supports, Karma is truly in a tier of her own — offering area of effect damage, CC, buffs, and incredibly strong shields. Either pick the champion, or ban her. The dangers of going against a skilled Karma player are incredibly high risk, as they can easily take control of the game with a single well placed ability.

Thresh and Pyke are also seeing a resurgence, as they have great crowd control and play making potential. The only downside is their damage might be a little low, and since they engage themselves, they rely heavily on their allies trusting their plays.

wild rift support

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