Which Familiar Buildings should you Build? - Marks Angry Review

Which Familiar Buildings should you Build? – Marks Angry Review

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You want to train the Familiars in Lords Mobile but have no idea which buildings you need (or want)? In this article I will break down the best options for your Familiar Buildings and will also explain also what each building does.

What are Familiars?

Because you clicked on my website, I will give you my version of what I think Familiars are. Familiars are traitorous monsters, who instead of attacking you as they are supposed to, have chosen instead to become your sad little pet. It’s a rather sad pity story. Think of familiars as captured killer-whales.

In short, the Familiars will help your stats quite effectively. Some Familiars are worthwhile and should be focused on. Other Familiars are nice but can definitely wait.

I call the Familiars the “walking-angry-research machines” because that’s basically what they are.

Here’s my video on the topic. Make sure that you subscribe to my channel!

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Familiar Building Layout

Familiar Buildings LayoutFamiliar Buildings Layout
The non-ideal layout with not enough springs…

Below I will explain what each building does and why you need each building. Here, however I will break down how many buildings you should have:

  • 1 Mystic Spiral
  • 1 Monster Hold
  • 6 Springs
  • 1 Gyms

Some people suggest a different system and I still prefer option 1 until at least Pact 3 and 4:

  • 1 Mystic Spiral
  • 1 Monster Hold
  • 5 Springs
  • 2 Gym

Why do I prefer the 1st variation and not the 2nd variation (or any of the ridiculous variation out there)?

Why so many Springs? And so few Gyms and Spires?

It’s rather simple. Springs speed up pact speed. And pacts are the key to growing powerful familiars. See below!

Mystic Spiral

Mystic Spire BuildingMystic Spire Building

Mystic Spiral is the barracks for familiars. It’s hard to determine which building is most important since all of them are required in order to grow Familiars, but I will still declare the Mystic Spiral as the most important. The Mystic Spiral is the place where you will develop your pacts. Pacts are ways to draw in the Familiars. You will need many pacts in order to grow your familiar to an elder.

Pacts require mixing anima with resources, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

For some reason, IGG has felt the need to complicate something that should be rather simple. Simply put, you need the Mystic Spiral in order to make the Familiar stronger.

Stay tuned to my upcoming article on which Familiars are the best!

Monster Hold

Monster Hold for FamiliarsMonster Hold for Familiars

The Monster Hold doesn’t do much to progress your monsters, but it lets you manage them. You can see which monsters you have and you can also use runes to build monster experience.

The Monster hold is the run place you go to chill (passively) with your super weird creatures.


Spring for Anima Spring for Anima

Notice how I wrote springs instead of spring? Yes, that was on purpose. Do yourself a favor. Ignore most of the ignorant YouTubers out there ranting about getting 4 gyms. Get 1 gym and 6 springs. Springs add anima which is fantastic, but more importantly, they speed up the pacts.

Pacts are everything. If a property is “location, location, and location” then Familiars are “pacts, pacts, and pacts”.


Gym for Familiar ExperienceGym for Familiar Experience

You should only build one (and at most two) Gym. Don’t build 5 Gyms. Please. The Familiar Gym is the place where your heroes can train your monsters and add to their experience level. Duplicate ruins can also be used to add experience but the gym does it in a more efficient manner.

Once you’ve maxed you’re heroes with enough pacts, you can get as much gyms as you want.

Technically speaking, you can still max your familiars without any Gym Buildings. I know. That sounds harsh, especially to the guys and gals who believe* that their real-life gym is their sanctuary. In practice, you do need Familiar Gyms and

The debate on how many gyms you should build is a very complicated one. See comments below. Here’s what you need to know about Gyms and the Heroes that train them:

  • Each Gym adds one extra slot for a single Familiar to be trained by your heroes.
  • Each Gym, when maxed to level 25 adds another 20% boost to the exp training.
  • With all other variables unchanged, it doesn’t matter if you train 1 familiars with 100% of your heroes or 2 familiars with 50% each.
  • The fewer Heroes you use to train a familiar, the more often you need to restart the training again. In other words, you will need to log in a lot more times.

As you can read in the comments below, gyms are very complicated. There are definite benefits to having 3-4 gyms, but I still believe that springs are better than gyms and therefore it is better to keep build no more than 2 gyms.

*Let’s face it. Not many people (including myself) playing Lords Mobile spend much time at a real-life gym. I don’t think I’m offending anyone reading this guide.

Check this out too: Upgrading Buildings hack.

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