Trader Shares Altcoin Boom Secrets For Next Bull Run

Source Node: 960408
  • A notable trader shares their insight on the next bull run.
  • Claims Cosmos network will thrive.
  • Cosmos projects such as Persistence, Akash, and DVPN will soar too.

A long-time trader under the name Altcoin Psycho shares a prediction for the next upcoming bull run on Twitter. The tweet says that the next altcoins to boom will be Persistence, Akash, and DVPN.

In detail, the trader says that the Cosmos ecosystem will come out on top. More so, many other Cosmos projects will benefit from the ecosystem. In particular, the trader says that Persistence, Akash, and DVPN will go up.

The trader also highlights the fact that Tendermint — a core contributor to the Cosmos platform, is currently making ‘aggressive moves’ in a crypto market that is presently in a not-so-great state.

Meanwhile, the trader holds some high credibility within the crypto space. So far, the trader has over 278,400 followers on Twitter. Moreover, they have experience in trading algo and options since 2013.

In the tweet, it mentions that the price of most altcoins will at first go low. However, the trader is certain that after that, the industry will experience a Thorchain run. This, in turn, will violently pick up a bunch of Cosmos projects.

The Cosmos network is known as an internet of blockchains. The whole system was built to boost interoperability between sovereign blockchains and decentralized apps (DApps). Similar to the Polkadot network, this system aims to bring scalability and interoperability.

Presently, the price of Cosmos (ATOM), is at $12.22. Altcoin Psycho is sure that the price of ATOM will go up by the end of this year. Other analysts agree on this possibility.

As for the other cryptos that the trader predicts will go up — the price of Persistence stands at $8.68 at the time of writing. This protocol runs on Cosmos and operates via Proof-of-Stake consensus. On the other hand, the price of Akash (AKT) is $3.53. Furthermore, the price of Sentinel (DVPN) is $0.025. No doubt, the crypto community will be keeping a close eye on these assets.


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