The Great Epicenter Host Extravaganza 2021

The Great Epicenter Host Extravaganza 2021

Source Node: 2645514

The new year has brought with it a new bull run. This is great news for crypto holders, but at what cost? Will this bring with it a number of negative implications such as regulatory push back and privacy battles? Listen as the five hosts of Epicenter come together for an in-depth chat to share their predictions for the crypto space in 2021.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Each of our hosts share how 2020 went for them
  • In-depth individual predictions on where things are headed with the current bull market
  • Public backlash to the crypto system
  • Regulatory and tax related implications to crypto
  • The battleground of privacy
  • US regulatory pressure and the effect on the US Dollar

Episode links:


  • 1inch: Discover the best rates and most efficient swapping routes across leading DEXes. Optimize on gas cost and execute DeFi trades faster with 1inch V2 –

This episode is hosted by Sebastien Couture, Brian Fabian Crain, Meher Roy, Sunny Aggarwal & Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options:

Time Stamp:

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