TFT Set 9 Leaks: Potential Champions and Traits Leaked So Far

TFT Set 9 Leaks: Potential Champions and Traits Leaked So Far

Source Node: 2688224

TFT Set 9 is coming soon and with it a brand new group of champions and traits. Unlike with past Sets, these leaks are coming much closer to the actual reveal. It looks as though the leaks may more slowly trickle out instead of being shown in one big info drop. Here is the latest on the potentially major TFT Set 9 Leaks of the Champions and Traits.

**Please note that these are leaks coming from sources not directly connected to Riot Games. While all of it looks real and it is a lot coming for one or two sources at this point, none of these leaks are confirmed as real at this time. Thus these should be taken as just leaks until more is known.

[Related: TFT Set 9 Release Date]

Scroll Down to See Full List of Leaked Champions and Traits So Far

Here is the first leak from BigBadBear with more likely to follow. They are a known leaker of Riot Games content and while they are rarely wrong, readers should closely follow what was stated above. These are leaks and have not been confirmed by Riot Games as actual part or aspect of the game.

While not shown below it does look like some new and older items are showing up. These look like they have the Ornn item symbol which means that he could be back in the game in some form. Also Hullcrusher looks to be a completely new item.

It looks as if the T-Hex from Legends of Runeterra will be a unit used by champions from Piltover. Five more champions including a 5-cost Heimerdinger are shown in this Tweet.

New Trait and seven champions leaked with this one.

Potentially Leaked Champions and Traits

Here are the champions that were shown or mentioned by Riot Games so far.

These are all of the new champions that are potentially going to be joining TFT Set 9. Keep in mind that there are generally around 56-60 units in each Set.

  1. Poppy
  2. Orianna
  3. Vi
  4. Ekko
  5. Jayce
  6. Heimerdinger
  7. Cassiopeia
  8. Samira
  9. Kled
  10. Swain
  11. Darius
  12. Katarina
  13. Sion
  14. Ahri
  15. Senna
  16. K’Sante
  17. Rnekton
  18. Taliyah
  19. Akshan
  20. Azir
  21. Nasus
  22. Cho’Gath
  23. Malzahar
  24. Kassadin
  25. Rek’Sai
  26. Vel’Koz
  27. Kai’Sa
  28. Bel’Veth
  29. Ekko
  30. Aatrox
  31. Irelia
  32. Tristana
  33. Maokai
  34. Zed
  35. Sett
  36. Jhin
  37. Karma
  38. Viego
  39. Shen
  40. Garen
  41. Galio
  42. Sona
  43. Kayle
  44. Teemo

Here are the potential Traits. Keep in mind that there are generally 28 different Traits and Classes in each Set.

  1. Piltover
  2. Noxus
  3. Bruiser
  4. Ionia
  5. Sorcerer
  6. Shadow Isles
  7. Gunner
  8. Redeemer
  9. Shurima
  10. Bastion
  11. Void
  12. Empress
  13. Zaun
  14. Rogue
  15. Slayer
  16. Darkin
  17. Juggernaut
  18. Yordles

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