Stoner etiquette, 5 do’s and dont’s

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Rule 1: You Will Not Arrive Empty-Handed

Hand Full

Are you going to blaze thick horns with your friends one evening? Then don’t arrive empty-handed. Remember that the rules of cannabis etiquette state that you bring something to share with the circle. It just makes sense right? You wouldn’t want to be the only person supplying your friends with weed all the time. Well, they feel the same way.

We all run into money issues sometimes. If you don’t have the money to buy some herb, take a bag of chips, or other ‘munchie’ food. It’s always good to bring food. Just don’t show up empty-handed. 

Rule 2: Be Honest


Can you roll? Just be honest. Nobody gets happy from a crappy joint. It’s not too difficult to roll a good joint with a little practice. So get out there and practice. You want to be a strong independent stoner, don’t you? Well take matters into your own hands and learn how to roll a joint. You can start with our beginners guide on how to roll a joint.

You can also find plenty of “How to roll a joint” videos online. So go check them out! 

Rule 3: You Will Share 

Sharing is caring. Remember that saying? In the world of marijuana smoking, it holds true: it is important to share.

Whoever rolls, lights it up. And you pass the joint around in one direction. Preferably clockwise. People who don’t grasp this make it difficult for people in the circle to have a good time. Which leads us to our next point.

Rule 4: Treat People with Respect in the Circle

No matter how long you have been smoking, you were once a noob. There was a time when you didn’t understand what the rules of marijuana smoking were. When you were unsure of yourself, and perhaps feeling socially awkward, someone showed you respect in the circle and helped you out. You can pass that same stoner knowledge and respect on to someone else. They will most likely thank you for it.

Rule 5: You Shall Not Be a Greedy Smoker


Those who have seen the film Friday know “puff, puff, pass! Is it a joint or a blunt? Then you get two hits. A bowl or bong is one hit. Then pass again! Don’t take so much that the last one in the group only gets a little of nothing. You wouldn’t want that yourself, would you? So keep it a bit polite and cozy! It’s just common courtesy, my friends. Remember that you are a part of a group and that the weed isn’t just for you.

Rule 6: Remove Your Seeds and Stems

How many times has it happened? You are in a circle. Everyone is having a good time, chilling and smoking. All of a sudden you take a drag and “POP”. A seed pops in the joint. Leaving seeds and stems in your joint or bowl is not good stoner form. It can disturb the flow of a really mellow session. You don’t want that to happen. You especially do not want to be the person who is responsible for a stem or seed in a joint. So plan ahead and remove the stems (and seeds J).

Rule 7: Wait for Your Turn

Patience Grasshopper Patience. It has happened to all of us. You are at a party and you have forgotten your stash. No biggie, you can hustle once. But whatever you do, don’t ask for it before the joint is rolled. If the joint goes around, it’s OK to ask for a hit. Just make sure you aren’t always that guy. 

And remember, don’t be pushy or go out of turn. You do not want to be branded as a pushy (rude) stoner. If you are branded as rude in a smoking circle, you probably won’t be invited back. Keep everything cool.

Rule 8: Do Not Wet the Joint

I get it. That joint looks so good. It has your mouth watering. Just remember, keep the water in your mouth. There are few things worse than going to take a hit off a joint and it gets soaking wet. Do not let your saliva get on the joint; it’s just wrong. You wouldn’t want to take a swig off a beer and feel someone else’s saliva all over it. The same rule applies to your joint. Leave it dry my friends.

Rule 9: Don’t Hold that Joint

Don’t hold onto that joint my friends. When it is passed to you take your puff or two and pass it along. Remember “puff, puff, pass”? Well, it doesn’t mean “puff, wait for an hour, puff, talk about the time you learned to ride a bicycle, pass”. Just take your puffs and pass it along. If you are in the middle of a story, say excuse me. If the story was good, people will be willing to take it back up when you have finished your turn smoking the joint. Besides, a dramatic pause might add some interest to the story too. Win/Win.

Keep it in mind, it’s not just your time. Take your hit off the doobie and pass it along. Keeping the circle moving smoothly is the courteous thing to do, so make sure you pass the joint along in a reasonable amount of time.



Smoking Marijuana can be a social activity. Remember that when you are engaged with others, it is a good idea to make sure everyone is having a good time. Follow these 9 rules of stoner etiquette and you should be well on your way to making a good time for everyone


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