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STEMMA Sunday – I2C QT Slide Potentiometer with NeoPixels

Source Node: 1342302

We designed a buncha I2C-to-whatever converters a while ago but got hit with the silicon shortage, so we’re redesigning the boards with chips we can get. For example here is a I2C to slide pot + 4 NeoPixels design. Now lots of microcontrollers have ADC so you may not need a converter. But if you’re using a SBC like a Raspberry Pi, adding analog inputs is a little messy, so you could definitely use something like this. Or maybe you just want an easy plug-n-play panel mountable slider. Either way, this code works great, and runs on an ATtiny8xy (e.g. ‘817 or ‘806) which we were able to get on the market – video.

Source: https://blog.adafruit.com/2021/10/31/stemma-sunday-i2c-qt-slide-potentiometer-with-neopixels/

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