Revolutionizing the Events and Entertainment Industries With the Backstage Project

Source Node: 1005323
Aug 02, 2021 at 13:14 // News

The Backstage project aims to correct this injustice

What can’t any human being live without? Water, air, love… All these things are too sublime, although it is also very difficult to live without them. We are talking about more mundane things, such as going to various events for the purpose of having fun.

Just imagine what would happen if overnight all the clubs, theaters, stadiums, festivals, music concerts, and conferences disappeared. Would we really have to entertain ourselves with television and crossword puzzles?

Don’t worry, that’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Thanks to the Backstage project (, the entertainment industry is in good hands.

It is no secret that today a huge number of different spheres are moving to blockchain technology. New connections and tokens are emerging. Unfortunately, the entertainment industry has been somewhat offended in this sense, not getting enough attention. The Backstage project aims to correct this injustice. Due to very flexible financing via cryptocurrencies, this project will contribute to the overall development of the entertainment industry.

One of the main tasks of this project is to solve many problems that the entertainment industry faces today, and will certainly face in the future.

Speaking of which, the project has already solved one of those problems. By creating its Backstage $ BKS token, the project made it possible for millions of users around the world to quickly, conveniently, and very easily pay with these tokens to purchase tickets to music concerts, exhibitions, sports and cultural events, festivals, and other events.

By purchasing these tokens, you become an important part of the user community, which already includes public, private enterprises, as well as individuals. Through the purchase of project tokens, each user contributes to its ecosystem, getting a great opportunity to use proven applications, etc.

Backstage project

What the bloggers say about Backstage

“I think NFTs are going to be getting bigger and bigger so of course the event industry and the need for these tokens and that saw we’re going into a tokenised world there needs to be a certain token at these events anyway”

“So if you start to think about that it would have been really helpful if you had a sort of currency that’s universal that’s only used for these events. Mostly of the idea that if they have that specific currency very often they spend way more and that’s  also why a lot of these event hosts like to give these tickets out like for example. if you go to a festival you’re gonna get these tokens for example that you have to buy up front because that way you spend more”, by Dusty.

Follow the news of the project to be aware of what the famous people in the field of cryptocurrency are saying about the project. 

Become part of a major project today

Even now everyone can join the project’s community and make an important contribution to its innovative development by supporting the event industry not in words, but in deeds. By simply purchasing tokens that you can then use to pay for tickets to the biggest events, you are providing an important source of funding for the entire entertainment industry.

The benefits of Backstage that make this project attractive to investors

Investing money in a new project always carries some risks. Yet we can point to several reasons why Backstage can be trusted:

  1. This project has already attracted the attention of crypto investors and popular YouTube bloggers.  A famous blogger … even made a very interesting video about this project. Be sure to watch it, if you haven’t yet.

  2. Famous auditing company … audited the project’s smart contracts and concluded that this project can be trusted, all their contracts are safe, and dApps is absolutely real.

  3. Ample opportunity. Investing your money in the purchase of tokens of the project, the user has the opportunity not only to keep these tokens in the wallet (which, incidentally, is also developed by experts of this project is very functional and convenient), but also to participate directly in the implementation of innovation, to receive funding from other community members, and so on.

  4. A clear and transparent distribution of all attracted resources. Each investor of the project can go to his site and see, for what purposes and tasks his money is directed.

  5. A well-known team. No one of the participants of the team hides under popular pseudonyms. With experience and history of success of each participant of the team you can familiarize yourself on a site of the project.

This project was created to make the entertainment industry as close to users as possible and absolutely transparent. The future creation of the platform of this project will enable all components of the events ecosystem to interact in the most secure and effective way.

Today, the entertainment industry is one of the most in-demand industries in the world. After all, there is not a single person who has not gone to a movie, concert, theater, or exhibition in his or her lifetime. Many people attend such events all the time, so the creation of the backstage project and its token turned out to be just right.

We are sure that you will be able to appreciate all the features of the project by visiting its website Also do not forget to subscribe to the social networks of this project:






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