ONPASSIVE TrimURL Innovative Tool for URL Shortener Services to Track and Shorten Links

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Trim URL from ONPASSIVE is an advanced tool designed for shortening the URL’s. ONPASSIVE TrimURL makes it easier to understand for the audience and the recipient with whom it will be shared further. Read more: https://trimurl.co

When you are interacting with your clients, it’s essential to consider how and what you’re communicating. The best URL shortener has various features, and the question is, which one is right for your business? What features suit your business the best, and which really doesn’t matter?

There is no scarcity of companies offering URL shorteners these days, if you are looking for some of the best URLs for your business, let’s jump straight to it:

Businesses use URL shorteners for help optimizing their vital customer touchpoints, whether they interact with several dozen customers or several million. Here are a few URL shorteners that help businesses:

1. Bit.ly

Bitly – URL shortener is one of the most popular URL shorteners available. With Bitly available online, anyone can anonymously utilize the link shortener to build as many short links as they like.

Once you sign-up with ann account, it enables you to build and track up to 500 branded URLs and 10,000 non-branded links. This URL shortener also can track how many clicks your shortened URLs receive, the location and time of the click, and your top referrers. You can also use the premium and enterprise accounts, starting from around $500 per month. This tool allows you to create as many short links as you like for your business and get more detailed analytical reports. Bitly also works with many other services, such as Zapier and TweetDeck.


In today’s digital world, many marketers face challenges with using long URLs. TrimURL is an URL shortener tool built to make email-friendly links that can be used while marketing content across various mediums, including blogs, instant messages, online publications, and ad campaigns. This tool will streamline the work of a marketer to share and publish any links related to their business quickly and effectively.

ONPASSIVE TrimURL has received so much attention lately because of the comprehensive data it provides in the form of live data, geographic location, web page, link where the short link was clicked, and more. This type of information is most helpful for webmasters and enterprises- it shows where customers are coming from, how they are coming, and how to serve them.

With more than thousands of developers and marketers around the world already using TrimURL, it’s the most used platform by marketers to use short URLs with their own domain on their campaigns. With the help of this URL shortener, you can use several dedicated domains; Analytics; Deep links; Tracking on links, and much more. It is one of the great tools if you want to share links that host your brand, and it also free and simple to use.

As we know, the main idea is to use trimURL’s job is to optimize the long URL link. The trimURL tool of the ONPASSIVE platform has three main elements in it, which make it different from the others. This URL shortener lets you use your brand name. It is crucial to add the brand name in the URL link whenever you share any link online.

Many businesses use the Trimmed URL without a brand name in the URL links, doing so results in missing on a crucial part of the marketing, which is brand exposure.Using a branded URL shortener tool like Trim URL of ONPASSIVE allows you to use the domain name in your customized URL links that you are sharing.

This type of data helps businesses design better products, and marketers produce more targeted content. Detailed information makes the company economy more efficient.

3. Shorby

Shorby is the best-known URL shortener widely used in the Instagram Bio Link tool, and it’s one of the popular social media URL shorteners on the market.

With the help of this URL shortener, you can transform long links into short links with just a few clicks. You can add tracking pixels like creating custom Facebook Audiences and get insights for all of your links.

You can also build messenger short links. These allow you to build a bridge between your short link with a variety of different messenger services.

These messenger short links can be used in Facebook Messenger, Skype, Phone, WhatsApp, and more. You can easily create click-to-call links with Shorby. You can also make use of custom domains instead of using a Shorby URL, and you’ll be working on yourdomain.com.

4. TinyURL

To start, the Tiny URL online tool is very simple to use. All you need to do is enter the URL you want to shorten and, it’s now tiny for you. Tiny URL has made it even easier to use the URL shortener, and you can add TinyURL to any browser and access faster link shortening.

The shortened links never expire, so you never have to worry about your links getting lost in the future. In other words, the content will be available to users whenever they visit a page. If you’re worried about branding, there’s a self-branding feature that allows you to change the last portion of your shortened URLs before using them anywhere.

With the help of Tiny URL, you can also create mobile-optimized pages to use on social media in just a few minutes. With these pages, you make it easy for your social media followers to connect with you and find your most relevant content. While they work most effectively on Instagram, they can be used on any other platform.


BL.INK is a full-featured URL shortener that helps any business owner with a rookie-friendly dashboard that can track the short link activity. For example, you can follow the traffic based on geographic location, device type, and even the place where it is referred to better show where your target audience is. It helps you understand how your audience is accessing your content. Also, you can find out the time of day of the clicks to see the most engagement.

If you have to share a few gigantic links, there’s no harm in reducing them because the process is quick and straightforward. Aside from being shorter and more comfortable to look at, shortened links help a lot to print ads, physical signage, or any place where you find it hard to link to another site. There are several free or affordable link shortening websites out there. Choose the right one for your business.

Source: https://blog.innmind.com/onpassive-trimurl-url-shortener-and-track/

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