MicroStrategy CEO: Bitcoin Will Bring Financial Security

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  • The CEO of MicroStrategy shares his views on Bitcoin.
  • He believes it is the answer to humanity’s economic security.
  • A video further explores how all the other options have failed.

Founder and CEO of MicroStrategyMichael Saylor shares his piece on why Bitcoin is the ultimate answer to humanity’s quest for financial stability. Saylor tweets a video where he elaborates his point of view on the matter.

In the tweet, he specifies that Bitcoin is a digital property. More so, he says it is technically superior to all other forms of property. In a nutshell, Saylor says Bitcoin is demonetizing cash, equity, real estate, bonds, and gold.

The video, however, goes on to explain why each of these options failed so far. He asks, if one wishes to find a non-sovereign store of value to preserve a fortune for 100 years, what is the most trusty source? Then he begins to list out the options. Starting with banks and cash, he notes that history has seen cases where the bank seized all assets from its people.

After this, he talks of real estate, land has also been seized by governments. Also, land cannot be physically moved. Stocks have also proven to be unreliable as firm owners could at any time choose to liquidate their investments.

The next option would be gold. This asset is not easy to transport, especially during airport commutes. However, digital gold is a great alternative. Michael Saylor says Bitcoin is digital gold. He believes that Satoshi Nakamoto created the winning currency for property security.

Saylor highlights how Bitcoin is the apex property for the human race. The digital asset is programmable gold. It can never be shut down or singularly regulated. It is an asset that can be carried anywhere and on different devices. Access to it is instant and transactions are just as speedy. There is complete ownership and the asset is divisible.

All in all, for the first time ever, humanity can hold full custody of their property. Also, no one can question their proof of ownership. Most importantly, its arrival can fix the problems the world is facing in terms of inflation and economic collapse. Above all, Michael Saylor believes that in the long run, Bitcoin will come up on top.

Source: https://coinquora.com/microstrategy-ceo-bitcoin-will-bring-financial-security/

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