Marsis (SIS) Review: The BSC, Decentralized NFT Valuation Platform with DeFi Yield Farming

Source Node: 893027

A Beeple collection? Is this a typo?

Well, no.

Beeple is the artist who got paid handsomely for his digital work. But not just any other work, for his masterpieces that’s now permanently etched in the Ethereum network as unique NFTs.

For this, he earned $69 million.

Irrational exuberance setting in? No.

The Multi-Million NFT Sector

In reality, the age of NFTs is getting started. The era of non-fungibility and art indivisibility.

By mid-2021, over $400 million worth of NFTs has so far been sold. Besides, there are vibrant primary and secondary markets.

However, it is beyond the chatter of price, revolution, and inevitable criticism; NFTs are about the underlying technology. 

How fast it evolves and the speed at which barriers are being torn. 

NFTs are ushering in a new phase of true decentralization and technology-driven services, rewarding talent.

What is the Marsis Platform?

In this wave, the Marsis platform is positioning itself at the fore with technology and a differentiated solution.

Creators of the platform describe themselves as pioneers who are launching a self-governed and decentralized NFT asset valuation platform on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The platform is for developers, artists, and traders.

The platform’s token holders can vote to fuel, earn, or build. 

Marsis is ready for the next generation of blockchain and wants to be part of history shapers. 

From Marsis, creators can list NFTs, allow traders to participate, holders to vote on proposals or items to draw up a consensus value of any listed item, and so much more. 

Notably, Marsis’ NFT creators automatically earn as long as their assets are being voted on. 

Marsis Vision

Think of Tourism and how Tripadvisor or Travala have proven revolutionary. Better still, considering how Yelp has been one of the shapers of the multi-billion hotel and catering industry.

Marsis thinks loftily of NFTs and would be central as the sub-sphere’s valuation expands and ingrained in everyday’s process. Accordingly, the platform ingeniously combines interesting aspects of DeFi and merges them with NFTs to create a mechanism that satisfactorily benefits all stakeholders.

By devolving governance and allowing users to value NFTs while enabling creators to actively earn from their creativity, Marsis is literally overhauling the mode of valuation and flattening barriers.

Main Features of the Marsis Platform

The automated and community-driven protocol wants to reward imagination and dexterity based not on their algorithms but depending on the value assigned by the network users. 

Without sacrificing control and building on a cheaper, high throughput, and widely adopted BSC chain, they are, in essence, among the first to combine exciting aspects of blockchain—NFTs, DeFi, and DAO. 

Over time, the Marsis platform hopes to set the NFT valuation standard.

Marsis is defined and distinguished by the following features:

  • A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that promotes fairness and efficient execution in decision-making. By relying on the DAO, the platform can build a self-governed NFT ecosystem. Through the transparency of the base layer, there is more transparency and profit maximization for network users.
  • A voting protocol that supplements the DAO, making it possible for market participants to build a consensual market value of all created and deployed NFTs. Holders of the Marsis platform tokens, SIS, can stake and give out consensus votes. Out of the final aggregated outcome generated by Marsis, an industrial consensus mechanism will reflect the “community” value of the NFT.
  • An extensive NFT trading platform to minimize the cost of NFT creation while offering an all-inclusive, stable, and secure NFT trading experience.
  • NFT fragmentation for users to tokenize NFTs, lowering the barrier to entry of high-value assets while also widening the investment market and boosting liquidity.
  • Yield Farming because of their integration with DeFi. There will be more rewards for highly-rated NFT assets.
  • Interoperability since the platform can connect to the BSC ecosystem, Ethereum, and others enabling a secure fluid flow of digital assets without barriers.
  • Synthetic asset aggregation in recognition of the power of synthetics as a means of boosting public demand.

The Marsis Platform Users

Within the Marsis ecosystem, users can choose to be a spacewalker, resident, or guest. 

Spacewalkers can shuttle within the Marsis NFT ecosystem, view pieces, and freely vote on items that catch their attention. 

On the other hand, creators (professional or amateur) can opt to be residents or guests. Gifted artists can join for free aware that market participants in the Marsis platform determine the value of their work.

Guest creators can drop their collections on Marsis and wait for their items to be voted on. 

Residents, meanwhile, can originate their creation and promote it on Marsis. What should be reiterated is that creators don’t have to trade tokens. They earn, provided their assets are being voted on.

How to Stake and Farm SIS Tokens

Beyond NFTs, Marsis integration of DeFi in their operations opens up more opportunities for network users. 

Yield farming of SIS tokens can be from Marsis’ DEX Pool, where the SIS-BNB pair’s liquidity tokens on PancakeSwap are staked to farm more SIS.

The consensus pool is where spacewalkers can stake and lock their votes. All NFT pieces voted on auto-enter mining activities, generating rewards for creators. 

Closing Thoughts

As NFTs continue to emerge as a novel form of proof of ownership of real-world assets, there is an urgent need for an easy-to-use, intuitive ecosystem that caters to the needs of all stakeholders in this rapidly budding landscape. 

This is exactly where Marsis fits in. 

Marsis leverages the high-throughput and economically feasible Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to ensure a delightful NFT experience to all its users. While there is no dearth of NFT platforms today, it is hard to come across protocols that are committed to democratizing the art or asset ownership process by enabling everyone in the world with an Internet connection an opportunity to involve themselves in digital asset ownership. Further, as mentioned earlier, Marsis offers a plethora of other utilities and services to its users in addition to being an NFT platform. 

Moreover, Marsis allows its users to yield farm SIS tokens by providing liquidity in the SIS-BNB trading pair at Marsis’ DEX pool. 

To sum it all up, Marsis presents itself as an excellent option for users interested in dabbling in the NFT and DeFi waters without having to worry about the finer technical intricacies of using such a protocol.

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