Market Analysis Report (30 Aug 2021)

Source Node: 1050457

A bug in older versions of Ethereum network client Geth has caused nodes running it to split from the cryptocurrency’s main network. The bug impacted Geth clients running versions v1.10.7 and earlier, making up 75% of all nodes.

Concerns surrounding potential double-spend attacks, where the cryptocurrency would be spent but the transaction is then overwritten, have come up. Researchers have found an Ethereum address exploited the bug after being funded by a Tornado Cash client.

The bug has the potential to impact other Ethereum Virtual Machina-compatible chains, and as such has been exploited in the Binance Smart Chain and Huobi ECO Chain.

Most Ethereum miners appear to be running updated versions of the client, so the network’s hashrate is supporting the longer chain. Ethereum Foundation security lead Martin Swende tweeted:

 A consensus bug hit #ethereum mainnet today, exploiting the consensus-bug that was fixed in geth v1.10.8. Fortunately, most miners were already updated, and the correct chain is also the longest (canon). The bug was found in an audit of the Ethereum Virtual Machine version running on the Telos blockchain. The exact attack vector of the bug “will be provided at a later date to give node operators and dependent downstream projects time to update their nodes and software.


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