Liquid Global Exchange Just Got Hacked Out Of $80 Million: BREAKING

Source Node: 1035507

The Japanese exchange Liquid Global has just been attacked as $80 million worth of assets were removed from the platform and KuCoin responded by blacklsiting the address receiving the stolen funds, so let’s read more in today’s breaking crypto news.

The Japanese exchange Liquid Global was hacked with $80 million worth of assets moved off its platform. The exchange confirmed its security breach in a Tweet with Liquid revealing the wallet addresses implicated in the breach. The exchange noted that it is only the warm wallets that were affected, adding that the assets are not being moved into cold storage. Withdrawals and deposits were suspended on the platform with the team promising to provide regular updates as the investigation unfolds.

While Liquid is yet to confirm how much has been taken, the reports show that more than 107 BTC, 900000 TRX, 11,000,000 XRP and about $60 million worth of ETH seems to have been taken away by the hackers. There are unconfirmed reports that the ETH wallet compromised held deposits from other providers like Celsius Network. Celsius even announced that it had integrated with Liquid to start offering the exchange’s customers a compounding return on digital asset purchases. The announcement noted that Liquid is one of the first fiat-to-crypto exchanges to support the Celsius native CEL token in 2019, stating that the companies have continued to grow their partnership since.


Another exchange, KuCoin, responded promptly by blacklisting the addresses involved in the hack according to the tweet by the CEO Jonny Lyu. In November 2018, Liquid suffered a breach that saw its users’ personal information exposed, such as names, passwords, and addresses.

As recently reported, The SushiSwap big BitDAO token sale could have ended badly but a researcher discovered an exploit before the attacker was able to and the Ethereum DEX dodged a DEFI hack bullet this time. The SushiSwap MISO token sale platform had an exploit that could have been used to steal $350 million worth of ETH but a crypto researcher from Paradigm said he discovered the exploit yesterday and worked with SushiSwap to neutralize the threat. A week after Poly Network suffered a $600 million attack, the crypto world could have been under major threat by another hack at the decentralized exchange Sushiswap. The EX managed to avoid the attack thanks to the help of white hat hackers.


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