How To Stretch Your Stash

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How To Stretch Your Stash

When lean times hit us we sometimes have to make sacrifices. For many, one of the first things to go is luxuries like alcohol and other substances. It certainly doesn’t make sense to keep buying weed if you can barely pay rent. If you think it does make sense you may want to survey the article on weed addiction. Anyway, if you are hitting hard times like so many people during this pandemic there are ways that you can make your weed last longer. This can help you reduce the amount you spend on weed without having to completely give up. For many of us the last thing we want to do during times of stress is give up a relaxing vice. Here are some of the best ways that you can stretch out your stash and make your weed last. 

Try To Skip Skinning Up

If you are really running low then skinning up will not only use more weed but won’t have the same effect. Many people say that when they are trying to make their stash go a little further they will switch to glassware like pipes and bongs. You can get pipes, bongs and other glass boys relatively cheaply and they will reduce the amount you are smoking without reducing how high you are getting. Of course, if you are really trying to stretch it out use glassware and reduce the amount that you are smoking. It’s not magic, you will still go through your weed, just watch your amounts. Joints do waste a lot of smoke though, so you won’t get everything from the weed you’re using. The smoke waste on a bong or a pipe is very minimal and will ensure you’re getting your money’s worth. 

Save The Scraps

If you are going through a good period where you can get weed as you please, save the stuff that you might not want to smoke now. All those little extra bits add up and will still grind into good smokable weed. Keep a scrap mason jar in the house where all your rainy day leftovers go. Then when you do need just a little pick me up in a lean month you’ll have your tiny secret stash. Sort of like finding a 5r in your pocket that you forgot you had. 

Get In The Kitchen

Edibles are a fantastic way to make the most out of your weed. Not only is every drop used, nothing wasted, but the hit is stronger. Edibles enter the bloodstream differently because they are digested. This means the high doesn’t come on as fast, but when it hits it hits a lot harder. This helps you get the most out of your weed and you can even freeze a few brownies for a rainy day. Mentally speaking, pieces of food in the fridge are a little easier to keep an eye on consumption wise. It is hard to sit and eat 5 pieces of space cake where you could maybe tan through several joints without thinking. If you are planning a full session these boys will last far longer and use much less weed, keep your stash for individual chill out smokes. 

Switch To A Vape

Vapes are also a great option if you are trying to reduce the amount you are smoking. There is far less weed wasted as it is all being compressed and heated into a vapour rather than burned. This means almost every bit of the weed is used. There is no ash, no little unsmokable leftovers, and you don’t need to use as much. There is also absolutely no smoke waste because all of the vapour goes right into your lungs. It has also been documented that the effect from vaping is stronger than smoking weed. 


If you are really running low then ration out a daily amount that will last till you are next able to pick up. If you just have a singular container with all of your weed in it, it is less likely that you will notice how much you are smoking. If you separate it and ration it then you can make sure that you don’t go over your daily allowance and you won’t end up with nothing left before you can get more. 

Catch That Kief

Getting yourself a grinder with a kief catcher is a fantastic way to ensure that you always have a little something squirreled away. I have to say the amount of times I have brushed out the kief chamber in my grinder and actually found a really decent amount of dust. Smoking kief in a joint isn’t quite as good as bud but it does the trick. If you want to pad out your last bit of bud you can always go half bud and half kief to ensure that you still have a good smoke without just having to reduce the amount of THC in your joint. 

Use Every Part Of The Plant

All of your leftover stems and bits that aren’t good enough to go in the offcut jar can still be used. You can gather up all of these bits together and put them in a little cheese cloth bag then soak them in oil to make tinctures. Usually this is done by putting it into a bottle with the correct oil (have a research) and leaving it for a week or so in a dark space. Sure the first time you do this you may not have it ready for your next dry spell, but once it’s done it is a fantastic option to have in the cupboard. 

Get A Good Grinder

Finally, a good grinder is the best thing in your arsenal for making your weed last. If it has lovely sharp metal teeth it will grind your weed up finely. The finer and fluffier your weed the more effective it is and the easier it is to make it last. Grind better so that you can use less. 

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Remember: It is illegal to germinate cannabis seeds in many countries including the UK.  It is our duty to inform you of this fact and to urge you to obey all of your local laws to the letter.  The Vault only ever sells or sends out seeds for souvenir, collection or novelty purposes.

Photo by Jeff W on Unsplash


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