How to repair tools in Palworld

How to repair tools in Palworld

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Chances are that while you’ve been out and about in Palworld, you have managed to destroy a few tools. Knowing how to repair your tools in Palworld is an essential part of the game. Without your tools, you’re left pretty much defenseless and unable to harvest anything.

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So you’ve smashed your tool to splinters while trying to harvest trees and rocks. The best thing to do is head back to your base and make them as good as new. This process will ensure that your tools are always working as well as they should be.

To start repairing your tools, you will first need to build yourself a repair bench in Palworld. These can be constructed with ten wood and ten stone. This low requirement means that they are easy to throw down anywhere. Even if you are far from a base, you can quickly construct one with materials.

Repair Bench in Palworld
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Once you have built your repair bench, you should go into the menu. In this menu, you will find all the items you have equipped that can be repaired in Palworld. If one is completely broken, you will notice it is red — you must repair these. You can also repair partially damaged equipment.

To repair your tools in Palworld, you will need to have the required materials. Clicking on an item will bring up what is needed to repair. This will be displayed on the right. Once you have the required materials and the item you want to repair in your backpack, simply click repair. Unlike a lot of other processes in Palworld, this one is instantaneous.

I would recommend that you repair all your tools, weapons, and armor before you go out on a big quest in Palworld. You don’t want to be caught short with a broken weapon in the middle of a boss fight.

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