How Do You Set Up a LearnDash Membership 2021? (Step By Step)

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LearnDash memberships let you create multiple subscription tiers and private access to specific pages, courses, groups, and more.

This feature encourages subscribers to upgrade their membership, earning you more money while providing better value for them. Setting them up is very easy, too.

To set up a LearnDash membership, create course groups and assign various courses to each membership level. You can block access to every group for those who aren’t subscribed. LearnDash memberships let you sell course bundles rather than single classes.

In this post, we’ll also explain the following details about setting up a LearnDash membership:

  • Step-by-step instructions to make various membership levels for your courses
  • How to connect your courses and levels with a few simple instructions
  • Tips to make your program exclusive to specific members

Create Groups for Your LearnDash Viewers

learndash groups

Perhaps the most important perk of LearnDash memberships is you can sell as many courses per bundle as you want to.

Instead of asking the students to buy every course relating to a subject, you can bunch them together in a group. LearnDash labels their memberships as course groups, so keep an eye out for that terminology.

Follow these tips to create a LearnDash membership group:

  1. Price your memberships/groups based on monthly or one-time payments. Monthly subscriptions typically generate more revenue, but many first-time students don’t want to spend too much money on something they’ve never tried before. LearnDash explains you can charge customers via PayPal, Stripe, or WooCommerce.
  2. Set restrictions for every group. Ensure they’re only accessible by people who are part of it. Click ‘Group Content Protection’ in WordPress through the LearnDash plug-in, then choose the supported post types that need to be exclusive.
  3. Designate group leaders if you have a big team. These leaders can control groups by creating new courses in the group, dealing with customer service issues, and so on. It’s an excellent tool to outsource or moderate a LearnDash membership level without getting overwhelmed.
  4. Decide if you want to use sub-groups. These sub-groups chop each membership level into smaller, more manageable pieces of a subject. For example, if you sell a membership group for beginner guitar playing, you could make a sub-group for fingerpicking patterns and another for strumming patterns.
  5. Create attractive course layouts to appeal to potential customers. You can sell your bundles and show what’s in store for everyone thinking about subscribing to the membership level. This action lets you encourage people to upgrade or newcomers to dive into your groups.

Dozens of benefits make LearnDash groups an absolute must-have for many companies and individuals.

Whether you prefer easier management tools or optimal sales tabs, creating a community for your subscribers will undoubtedly take your business to the next level.

Head to the next section to learn more about creating your membership levels.

Make Multiple Membership Levels

multiple membership labels

This step is perhaps the most critical part of the process. Creating membership tiers shows how much money your LearnDash subscribers will have to pay to access the content.

As a general rule of thumb, stick to three or four levels. Too many levels will make it hard for people to choose from, which typically results in them choosing the cheaper option.

Without further ado, let’s explain how to make membership levels.

  • Find the ‘Memberships’ tab on your WordPress panel. Click it and look for the ‘Settings’ option, then choose ‘Create a Membership.’ This option will let you make as many memberships as you want to by assigning courses to every tier.
  • You can also make membership coupons to provide discounts to potential customers. Paid Memberships Pro has a video tutorial, and you can also create videos that explain the perks of each membership level.
  • Consider making group tabs to let members into exclusive discussions. They can make a community based on their membership level.

Once you finish making two or more membership levels, read on to connect your courses, quizzes, groups, and more to the specific tiers.

WPCrafter offers a unique, detailed video tutorial about the subject:

Connect Courses to Memberships

When you click the membership creation tab, you’ll have access to several actions. For example, you can decide which courses and other items people can interact with on each tier.

This step lets you choose how exclusive you want each membership level to be, so it’s important to plan what you want to offer for every member.

So, how can you connect the courses to the membership levels?

  1. Check the box next to each item you want to add to the list. The items include courses, tests, rewards, group discussions, priority pages, communities, and anything else you’ve created for your LearnDash program. Most additions will have a course label, but you can add virtually any webpage to the membership.
  2. Decide which courses will require memberships and which will be free. Some companies prefer to design free models to introduce new customers to the course. This option lets people preview the classes before making a financial commitment. You can separate the items based on the membership level or allow everyone accesses to each feature.

If you’ve already made the course and need to go back to add the membership levels, you’re not out of luck. There’s a simple trick to catch every course up to speed. Follow these steps to make your premade courses exclusive:

  1. Find the LearnDash learning management system on the WordPress panel.
  2. Locate the course you want to make exclusive, then click ‘Require Membership.’
  3. Decide which membership level the viewer must have to view and access the content.
  4. Follow steps one through three for every level above the membership from step 3. It’s essential to add the membership requirement for each level manually, or people paying the most money won’t have access to the perks of lower tiers.

LearnDash explains all of your changes will sync. Choose your favorite method, and don’t worry about making alterations through the other menu.

Neither option is more effective than the other, though the second process offers more in-depth customization regarding each membership level.

Close Exclusive Courses and Link the Pages

Once you’ve linked all of the courses to the required membership levels, it’s time to close the loop. If you skip this step, people can access any course or feature you offer without getting a membership.

The good news is it’s very easy to close exclusive courses and connect them with the corresponding web pages.

Here’s the process:

  1. Head to the course menu on the LearnDash LMS menu.
  2. Find the ‘Course Access Settings’ option, then click the ‘Access Mode.’
  3. Decide which items apply to the course. You can choose from Open, Free, Buy Now, Recurring, and Closed.
  4. For this example, click the Closed option, then input the course’s URL.
  5. To locate the required URL, go to the membership settings tab on the LearnDash WordPress plugin, click ‘Pages,’ then click ‘View Pages.’

When someone clicks the ‘Take this Course’ option, they’ll be redirected to whichever URL you entered. We recommend previewing your work before launching the course or setting it live on the website.

If they click the URL and don’t have the required membership level, it’ll be added to their cart, where they can purchase the subscription upgrade.


Setting up memberships on your LearnDash account can make a world of difference when working through WordPress.

You can create multiple tiers, so your subscribers can earn exclusive access to new courses, rewards, group discussions, and priority coaching. It’s a great way to encourage new visitors to test lower levels before spending more on high-end memberships.

Remember to make the rewards worthwhile for each membership level. There’s no need to exceed three or four levels for most companies. Too many tiers can make each level less enticing. Good luck!

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