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Golioth simplifies sending Internet of Things data from CircuitPython devices #CircuitPython #Iot #InternetOfThings @golioth_iot

Source Node: 1594478

With Golioth, you can use CircuitPython to quickly prototype hardware projects, you can now push data from your device directly to the cloud.

Golioth Labs now has an SDK to utilize the CircuitPython language’s fast prototyping capabilities.

The Internet of Things transport layer is not something the user needs to care about with the Golioth CircuitPython SDK; any time you are working with a Golioth hosted SDK, you will be working at a higher level than the transport layer of communication, such as CoAP or MQTT. Many IoT platforms stop at the transport layer, notably MQTT examples. By moving up to working with APIs to LightDB State or LightDB Stream, you get additional functionality on the device side and you can better maintain your data on the Golioth console. Users always have the option to work at a lower level and peek under the hood at how the communication is happening. For people wanting to get started quickly, it’s important to have a high level way to start streaming data to the cloud.

You can see their demo video below and read more here.

Source: https://blog.adafruit.com/2022/01/26/golioth-simplifies-sending-internet-of-things-data-from-circuitpython-devices-circuitpython-iot-internetofthings-golioth_iot/

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