Game On! Summit 2021

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CHINA/HONG KONG/SINGAPORE/TAIPEI/SEOUL, September 2nd, 2021 – MaGESpire announced the inaugural Game On! Summit 2021 from Sept 27th to 29th, 2021.  Game On! Summit 2021 is a free 3-day virtual conference celebrating the essence of Gaming, Art, Music, and Entertainment (GAME) industries by bringing together passionate gamers, artists, developers, investors, and enthusiasts in a true-to-spirit gamified environment. If you are a Gaming fan or Art & Music enthusiast or an Entertainment aficionado keen to learn more about how new technologies like Blockchain & NFTs are transforming this space, this is the conference to be at!

Bowie Lau, Founder of MaGESpire, Game On! Summit 2021 Event Organizer says: “Getting yourself educated is the first step before you make any decision to do anything! In that spirit, I’m thrilled to announce this inaugural summit that would gather some of the best minds and top-notch speakers to debate and share unique perspectives and knowledge on the Blockchain & NFTs space in the context of GAME industries. We are delighted to have Gala Games, AWS, Aavegotchi, InvestHK, Animoca Brands, The Sandbox and other marquee affiliate sponsors join us on this exciting quest to support and nurture the GAME industries through this exceptional summit.”

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“InvestHK is delighted to sponsor Game On! Summit, the blockchain technologies, and NFTs are opening up a brand-new chapter for the creative industries. The Gaming Arts Music and Entertainment industries have a strong foundation in Hong Kong and the rapid development of digitalization have prompted new offerings and innovations. Hong Kong presents vast opportunities for companies or start-ups of any size to enter Asia and Mainland China.”  Doris Fong, Head, Creative Industries, InvestHK 

“We are very happy to participate in the Game On! Summit! We see the Chinese market as one of the biggest growth areas in the Blockchain gaming space, and we look forward to connecting more deeply with the community in APAC helping to advance the cause of in-game ownership and play-to-earn models globally.” 

Jason Brink, President of Blockchain, Gala Games

“We think the next revolution of GAME is here with NFTs that enable true digital ownership regardless of it being an online or offline asset. This will affect many of the traditional businesses and business model as we know it. Looking forward to hear from the other speakers and from the start-ups who will be pitching.”

Kelly Choo, Founding Partner, True Global Ventures

The market for GAME industries is growing faster than ever driven by Millennials and the Gen Z generation and the advent of technologies like blockchain and NFTs have unlocked business models that were hitherto unavailable. To specify a metric based on marketplace data, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) surged to new highs in the second quarter, with $2.5 billion in sales so far this year, up from just $13.7 million in the first half of 2020! The NFT Sales on OpenSea was near USD$150m just in June 2021 and rose to USD2billion in transactions in August 2021. In-Game items, Art Memorabilia, Musical Moments, and Entertainable Moments have all now found a place in the digital realm via NFTs.

Coming back to the event, mirroring Hong Kong’s unique position as a Gateway to China, the Summits boasts of day 1 conducted solely in Mandarin whilst retaining its international character with day 2 and day 3 conducted in English:

Day 1 – Mandarin Edition sign up here: 

Day 2 & 3 – English Edition sign up here: 

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Day 3 will also see some live-action pitch competition where GAME (Gaming, Art, Music & Entertainment) companies will pitch to a group of VC investors. Top 3 winners will receive cash prizes worth USD$10,000 or more! Deadline to submit application is Sept 10th! 

For event details, please visit: 

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