CryptoWall vs Comodo Containment | How CryptoWall Works?

CryptoWall vs Comodo Containment | How CryptoWall Works?

Source Node: 2760462

CryptoWall vs Comodo Containment Reading Time: 1 minute

CryptoWall, the ransomware Trojan, is spread by spam emails, malware already on your computer, or drive-by downloads.

comodo containment

Here’s how it works:

1. CryptoWall installs itself on your computer.

2. CryptoWall phones home by contacting the server belonging to CyberCrooks.

3. The CyberCrook server creates two keys: one for your computer, and the other is kept by CyberCrooks.

4. CryptoWall locks every file it can on your computer, including documents and images.

5. CryptoWall displays a ransom screen, demanding hundreds of dollars to unlock your files.

But, when CryptoWall meets Comodo’s Containment technology, any new and unknown file goes into Containment—and the results are devastating to CryptoWall:

1. CryptoWall tries to install itself on your computer.

2. CryptoWall FAILS miserably…because, with Comodo Containment, malware can’t alter hard disk data—it is isolated within a virtual space which Comodo provides you.

3. Another safe and secure Comodo user

Comodo is the only antivirus company that brings battle tested, proven containment technology to enterprise.

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