Copyright Clash: Ivan Radic’s Legal Stand Against AllCity Adjusting, LLC and Zor Development, LLC

Copyright Clash: Ivan Radic’s Legal Stand Against AllCity Adjusting, LLC and Zor Development, LLC

Source Node: 3071357

In a recent legal action, photographer Ivan Radic has filed suit against AllCity Adjusting LLC and Zor Development LLC for allegedly infringing upon his intellectual property rights. According to Radic, he is a seasoned professional photographer known for his diverse portfolio and creative styles.  He has accused the defendants of unauthorized use and distribution of his copyrighted work.

The complaint explains that the heart of the matter lies in Radic’s creation, a photograph titled “Plaster falling off the ceiling,” crafted in 2020 and officially registered under copyright law in 2021. Radic claims this work, publicly displayed on his Flickr page, was accompanied by explicit copyright management information and a denial of usage rights to the public.

Court documents state that Defendant AllCity Adjusting LLC, is a family-owned claims company aiding property owners in insurance claims and disaster relief.  Radic has accused AllCity and Zor Development LLC, the registrant of AllCity’s website, of copying and showcasing his work on their website’s blog section without Radic’s consent. Moreover, the defendants allegedly removed Radic’s copyright management information, in what he claims is a clear violation of his rights under the Copyright Act.

Radic, through his legal counsel, asserts multiple counts against the defendants, including copyright infringement, removal of copyright management information, and the addition of false copyright management information. The complaint underscores the alleged intentional and willful actions of the defendants, causing Radic to claim irreparable harm.

In seeking justice, Radic has requested various forms of relief, including a preliminary and permanent injunction to prevent further infringements, compensation for actual damages and profits attributable to the infringement, attorneys’ fees and costs, pre- and post-judgment interest, and any other appropriate relief as deemed by the court.

The case has been assigned to Chief Judge Holly A Brady and Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins, in the U.S. District Court of Northern Indiana, and given Case No. 1:23-cv-00468-HAB-SLC.


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