Birth is a true example of great solo development on Xbox consoles | TheXboxHub

Birth is a true example of great solo development on Xbox consoles | TheXboxHub

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Birth arrives on Xbox

Since their first release – Landlord of the Woods – onto Steam in 2021, solo developer Madison Karrh has truly gone from strength to strength on the games creation journey. Landlord of the Woods has achieved over 500 ‘Overwhelmingly Positive’ reviews on Steam, with the second release – Birth – currently sitting at over 1000 Steam reviews of the same rating. And that’s all been achieved in under six months!

Frankenstein Friends

Releasing on Xbox consoles, following its February 2023 PC release, Birth on Xbox tells a solemn tale of a lonely little resident in a bustling big city. In order to overcome your loneliness, you decide to create your own friend out of loose bones and organs you find in the city.

The way the player goes about this is via a point and click puzzle title. Within this mysterious world, complete with skull masks, strange animals and the like, you pan around the city. Looking out for any element of the world that can be interacted with. From here, you may be instructed to solve a puzzle, complete a minigame. In return you may be rewarded with a new part to add to your friendly Frankenstein’s monster. 

Puzzles are vast and varied, from simple shape-matching affairs to more complex tests. Ultimately, however, Birth is a story of friendship and determination within a harsh world. That will be sure to delight many.

Birth on Xbox is Available Today!

Birth is now available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC. To pick up a copy on Xbox, you can do so via the Xbox Store for £9.19.

Stick around for our review.

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Game Description

Birth is a point & click game about living alone in a large city. In order to quell your loneliness, you decide to construct a friend from spare bones and organs that you find while exploring the city.

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