Asking “What if?”

Asking “What if?”

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“What if”.  It’s the inventor’s core question, sparking innovation and advancement. 4-year-olds ask “what if” almost as much as “why”.  They are inquisitive about the world around them and their place in it.  As we grow up, many of us cease to ask “what if” as we trudge through our daily activities.  We fall into safe and predictable patterns. We use the same tools we have always used, get the results we expect and move on to the next task. So much of the day is spent just checking boxes.  It’s such a reactive way to work. We are so busy we never have the luxury of asking “what if”.

Why does this happen? I chuckle when I think of my grandmother asking me why I am calling in the middle of the day when long-distance rates are lower after 7 pm (true in 1989) and get annoyed when Facebook changes the look of their home screen.  My kids chuckle at me when I ask them about the “snappy chatty ticky tocky” thing they are always on.  Whatever happened to actually talking on a phone?  Have I fallen behind the times?

SaaS what if

Change is Risky, But so is Staying the Same

The thing is that there is always an element of risk and discomfort with making a change, even if the change is sure to net a better result.  It’s the same reason I hate to jump in the water. That initial jolt of cold water is disruptive.  Yet that is what we must do when it comes to making improvements in business; jump in and take a (well-considered) chance. This brings us to the well-worn and trusted office workhorse – Excel.

Excel has been the de facto method of reviewing data for years.  As supply chain leaders, it’s been our best friend.  We know it like an old married couple knows each other.  Yet, it is also holding us back.  Excel is needy.  It requires many macros and manual interventions to manage the movement of both raw materials and finished goods.  It dominates our workday and still asks for more. It’s not a balanced relationship.  Maybe now is the time to ask “what if” we enhanced our forecasting with technology that can work with or replace Excel?  What would our workday and the results we get look like with a solution built for the supply chain by supply chain leaders?

Some may be intrigued by the possibility of becoming more efficient and accurate.  Others may be thinking “Oh no, I do not have the time or resources to take on a big technology changeI barely have enough time to get my work done as it is, and our IT team is already stretched too far”.  It’s a valid point.  Enterprise supply chain solutions are not for everyone.  They require investment and time and can be hard to prove the ROI for companies with revenue below $250mm.  Arkieva knows this.  For over 30 years we have offered a well-regarded enterprise solution.  Yet many prospects – like you – are not ready for the commitment required for enterprise software.  We asked ourselves “what if” and came up with Arkieva+.

Introducing Arkieva+

Arkieva+ is our modular SaaS supply chain planning solution designed for smaller businesses.  You only buy the services you need with a simple subscription model.  It is easy to use; you just upload your data and can begin generating improved forecasts in hours or days (not months).  It is built for small, fast-moving teams that are ready to make the leap to the next level and become more proactive in their forecasts. Ask yourself “what if” and give Arkieva+ a try. It’s free to use for 14 days and will provide a glimpse into the world of what is possible. Make a change for the better with Arkieva+.

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