American Personal Trainer Stakes $500K in ADA

Source Node: 866575
  • American personal trainer, Jillian Michaels, reveals her $500,000 stake in ADA.
  • Additionally, she has also invested $10,000 in DOGE.
  • Michaels believes that ADA has actual utility while DOGE does not.

Jillian Michaels, a popular American personal trainer, reveals her total funds invested in the crypto Cardano. More so, she made this revelation when a Dogecoin community member called her a hater.

During an exchange on Twitter, Michaels called out the billionaire Mark Cuban, for choosing Dogecoin (DOGE) over Cardano (ADA). She called this decision a ‘Rookie move’.

As stated, this tweet was in reference to Cuban’s retweet of Charles Hoskinson’s video tweet. The video consisted of Hoskinson expressing his vision for the crypto. The offhand remark urged Michaels to step in and praise Candano’s utility. 

As expected, Michael’s comparison of DOGE to ADA has sparked outrage among the Dogecoin community. So much so, that a member of the community called her a ‘DOGE hater’. To this Michaels made another interesting reveal.

Michael’s responded,

“I don’t hate DOGE – I threw 10k at it for fun. I threw 500k at ADA and staked it.”

In conclusion, Jillian Michaels is investing in both ADA and DOGE. However, she stands firm on her stand on the fact that Dogecoin has no actual utility. DOGE is mostly being held up by a community. So, Michaels refuses to stand by and watch a DOGE fan slander the name of Cardano. She believes that ADA offers many more utility features.   At the time of writing, DOGE price stands at $0.39, and ADA price is at $1.71.


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