Gov Walz lover å gjøre rekreasjonsmarihuana til en prioritet i 2023

Gov Walz lover å gjøre rekreasjonsmarihuana til en prioritet i 2023

Kilde node: 1868977

Now, with the gridlock in our State Legislature subdued a bit by a Democratic majority, Governor Walz has vowed to make the legalization of recreational marijuana for adults a priority this year in Minnesota. He also has stated that there is money budgeted to get the marijuana industry up and running in Minnesota

Recreational marijuana legalization and abortion rights in Minnesota are at the top of the list for governor Walz’s  2023 agenda.

Things are looking up as the Feds are working on making cannabis legal for recreational use. This, for one, would loosen up the banking end of it all.  Sellers would be able to use banks just like any other business can and buyers would be able to purchase cannabis products with their debit and credit cards.

Those that still fight the legalization of cannabis may just be ignorant to the facts and fear making recreational marijuana legal is opening a can of worms that would lead to just more problems for law enforcement, etc.

Economists and researchers have done much research on cannabis and what they found is all pretty positive.

For example, in the states that have legal pot, legalization didn’t seem to substantially affect crime rates. Overall, legalization had not affected the rate of violent crime in legal states.

Legalization seems to have little or no affect on the rate of traffic accidents and fatalities.  Economists Benjamin Hansen, Keaton S. Miller and Caroline Miller found evidence suggesting legal pot had no effect on…

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