Elden Ring-fans fortsetter å omfavne naturen deres ved å jobbe seg i vanvidd over en liten Steam-databaseoppdatering

Elden Ring-fans fortsetter å omfavne naturen deres ved å jobbe seg i vanvidd over en liten Steam-databaseoppdatering

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The signs that Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC is coming soon are everywhere and nowhere all at once. Fans are latching onto anything and everything they can find to prove Fromsoftware is about to drop the release date. This week’s clue comes from a tiny Steam update labeled as DLC, and, while it is slightly more credible than a date from a controller manufacturer, it’s still mighty thin.

Tidligere denne uken ble et nytt DLC-app-identifikasjonsnummer lagt til Elden Ring på Steam (via SteamDB), suggesting that FromSoft is preparing to list Shadows of the Erdtree on the store page. Naturally, Elden Ring fans saw this and immediately started constructing a theory that starts with an announcement at tomorrow’s Xbox Developer Direct.

It’s not as big of a leap as it may seem: Elden Ring was originally announced at Microsoft’s Xbox E3 2019 press conference. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it at an Xbox show again, but not one that seems to be entirely focused on games published by Microsoft, whose lineup has already been revealed (we’re going to see the new Indiana Jones game and Obsidian’s Avowed, most notably)

Den hengivne Elden Ring-fanen ville henvise meg til den nylige teaseren for en Elden Ring-figur from PureArts coming next month, but I’d say that’s a reach. And the whole thing where controller manufacturer Thrustmaster droppet en februar 2024-dato for DLC og antydet en ny DLC for 2025 (før du fjernet alt) føles det samme for meg. FromSoft kunngjør ting når det føles for det, og det kan være en tilfeldig tirsdag eller på en stor begivenhet – man vet aldri.

Til tross for usannsynligheten, fans Elden Ring fortsett å tro that we’re days away from the big announcement. Soulslike YouTuber Ziostorm mentioned that Dark Souls 2 and 3 updated their Steam pages around two months before their DLC announcements and then again a day or two before their releases. It’s been more than a day since the update for Elden Ring, however, and we’ve heard nothing.

“Oh, is this the real Chapel of Anticipation this time?” Reddit user Auri_L skrev med henvisning til navnet på åpningsområdet.

I samme tråd, som har over 500 kommentarer, tok noen opp personen som nylig teoretiserte at sannheten kunne finnes i tekstene til Taylor Swift’s “Ivy”. Their post is tagged with “humor” but they still wrote several paragraphs trying to convince everyone that the pop star knew the DLC date two years before the game even came out. At this point, it might be a safety concern for FromSoft to ikke kunngjøre en dato snart.

På X legger folk ut alle slags gif-er og videoer i begeistring over den lille oppdateringen, inkludert en video av en Bloodborne-sjef who cradles a magical sword that was ultimately his undoing. The irony is so strong that I don’t care if the poster is aware of it or not. Let Me Solo Her poked his head into the conversation to drop the “I can’t. Not again. I’m… not strong enough” meme from The Incredibles. Everyone is replying to him with words of encouragement, probably because they know FromSoft always puts the hardest fights in its DLCs, so we’re going to need him.

The last official thing we heard about Shadow of the Erdtree is that it’s “a little ways off, but progress is going well” from producer Yasuhiro Kitao in Desember. And with no hint of it at this year’s Game Awards, an imminent announcement seems just as likely as it was at any time last year. Until FromSoft swoops in and drops a png on X or something, everyone will have to restrain themselves and wait patiently.


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