Wedrecensies – Updates

Bronknooppunt: 840769

Over the last 2 months I have been reviewing two services that come with very good reputations.

The first tipster is from Bookie Insiders.

Bookie Insiders Results

Neil Macdonald is a tipster that focuses mainly on the major European football leagues.

Over a 7 year period his results are extremely impressive.

A 6.8% roi over 5311 bets is fairly unheard of in the major football markets.

The big upside to following Neil Macdonald’s tips are that you are betting in big markets. Which means odds don’t get smashed as soon selections are sent out.

Results so far have been very positive.

After 92 selections.

Een winst van £886 is gemaakt.

Stakes ranged between £50-£125 on each selections.

Below are the official results over the same time period.

After 95 bets a total profit of £ 1058.

(The difference in profit and loss is due to missed bets and odds taken.)

Klik hier om meer te lezen over de service van Neil Macdonald.

Ron William Results

The second tipster under review is Ron Williams, a successful horse racing tipster.

This tipster sends out tips selections the evening before the races. However I have been betting the selections the next day around 11.00 using the betting exchanges.

To see whether or not it could be profitable to follow Ron Williams using only the exchanges.

Long term results suggest if I am able to get odds somewhat close to the ones quoted in the email the evening before.

Then it could be profitable to follow tips using the exchanges.

Ron Williams Results

After 139 selections.

Een verlies van - £ 63 is gemaakt

Stakes range from £20 to £40

A profit has not been made so far following these selections.

Ron Williams Official Results

Below are the official results from Ron Williams backing the selections the evening before racing.

After 170 selections.

Een verlies van - £ 385 is gemaakt.

(The difference in number of bets made and profit and loss. Is due to missed bets and selections shortening in odds to the point where the value is gone.)

Ron Williams Horse Racing

Click Here To Read More About Ron Williams

If you have any suggestions for future reviews.

Please comment below or send a message to

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