Cities: Skylines Remastered komt volgende week naar PS5 en Xbox Series X/S

Cities: Skylines Remastered komt volgende week naar PS5 en Xbox Series X/S

Bronknooppunt: 1945501

De veelgeprezen stadsbouwer Cities: Skylines krijgt op 5 februari een verbeterde editie voor PS15 en Xbox Series X/S, en bezitters van de vorige generatie versies kunnen gratis upgraden.

Cities: Skylines Remastered, as the new version is known, promises a broad range of improvements over the existing console release, starting with increased graphical performance – which is as specific as publisher Paradox Interactive is being on that front right now.

Andere verbeteringen zijn onder meer de mogelijkheid voor spelers om grotere steden te bouwen dankzij een verhoging van de bouwbare tegellimiet, die stijgt van 9 in de huidige consoleversie naar 25.

Cities: Skylines Remastered – Announcement Trailer.

Elsewhere, there’s a new map editor, as well as a quick selection tool, a distance indicator, a new environmental controls panel – used to adjust rain, fog, time of day, and environment colour – plus precision placement and updated snapping options.

Cities: Skylines Remastered (which includes the game’s After Dark expansion) comes to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S on 15th February. Anyone that already owns Cities: Skylines on PS4 or Xbox One can upgrade to the new version for free, and Paradox notes Remastered owners can also download the PS4 or Xbox One version on older consoles if they so choose.


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