Pokémon Go의 부활절 이벤트는 예기치 않게 전리품 상자 스타일 인큐베이터의 나쁜 예입니다.

소스 노드 : 801776

Pokémon Go’s latest event has come under fire from fans trying to collect a rare, costumed creature – Flower Happiny – which has only a tiny chance of hatching from one of the game’s loot box-style eggs.

이 생물은 광고하다 2021년 봄부터 봄까지의 이벤트에서 Pokémon Go에 새로 추가된 몇 가지 중 하나로 10개의 다른 종의 알에서만 사용할 수 있는 것으로 나열되었습니다.

But the reality is a huge number of creatures are available in the game’s event egg pool – and Flower Happiny has a very low chance of actually appearing.

Pokémon Go는 알에서 특정 생물이 부화할 확률을 구체적으로 공개하지 않지만 지난달부터 잠재적인 해치를 나열하고 희귀도 등급으로 구분합니다..

Upon acquiring an event egg, players can peer within its possible contents and see Flower Happiny is of “five-egg” rarity – denoting the game’s lowest chances, and a tier usually reserved for ultra-rare creatures like Axew. You can see this in the image below.

Possible event egg Pokémon – with the silhouette of missing Flower Happiny highlighted.

This does not seem to fit with the wording of developer Niantic’s earlier blog post, which stated:

“The following Pokémon will be hatching more often from 2km eggs: Exeggcute, Eevee wearing a flower crown, Pichu wearing a flower crown, Togepi, Azurill, Buneary, Happiny wearing a flower crown, Munchlax, Rufflet, and Bunnelby.”

Flower Happy가 평소보다 더 자주 부화하나요? 글쎄요, 기술적으로는 그렇습니다. 일반적으로 전혀 사용할 수 없기 때문입니다. 그러나 이것은 이 목록에 있는 다른 모든 것보다 실제로는 훨씬 더 희귀하다는 사실을 모호하게 만듭니다.

하지만 이러한 희귀성 지표에도 불구하고 팬들이 제기한 비판의 여지가 몇 가지 더 있습니다.

First off, there’s the length of the event. Having an ultra-rare creature available via eggs is not intrinsically terrible (though long-time Axew and Riolu hunters may beg to differ) if players are given a fair enough window to find one. Some creatures should be rarer than others, while also feeling fair. But Flower Happiny is not a permanent addition – it is slated to disappear at the end of the Spring into Spring event later this week. In total, the event lasts four and a half days, from Sunday 4th April at 10am local time, to Thursday 8th April at 8pm local time.

다음으로, 팬들이 이 역시 뒤따를 것이라고 가정했던 이전 이벤트에 대한 기대가 있습니다. 일반적으로 새로운 의상을 입은 아기 포켓몬 변형은 이벤트 알에서 찾기 어렵지 않습니다. 대부분의 플레이어는 이벤트 기간 동안 적어도 하나를 부화할 수 있으며 고래는 훨씬 더 희귀한 반짝이 버전을 쫓기 위해 떠납니다. (그렇습니다. Flower Happiny도 Shiny에서도 사용 가능합니다.)

그리고 여기에 지속되는 게임 내 계란의 일반적인 문제가 있습니다. We’ve covered Pokémon Go’s problematic egg and incubator mechanics in detail in the past as they’ve long been a huge concern for the game’s dedicated community. 최근 계란 희귀 등급 추가는 전리품 상자와 같은 특성을 인정하는 작은 발걸음으로 보였고 팬들의 폭넓은 환영을 받았습니다. 하지만 이번 사건으로 인해 그 신뢰가 무너진 것 같습니다.

The majority of eggs you find in the game’s current event are the 2km-distance ones with Happiny potentially inside. But not all are, so you’ll have to also have to clear those, and you’ll of course have to make room in your egg backlog to start picking event eggs up.

Finally, the event has a half distance modifier for egg hatching – meaning those 2km eggs are actually 1km. On the surface, this means you’ll be able to hatch more eggs over the course of the event, which means more chances of a Flower Happiny. But it also means that anyone spending money on additional incubators will use those up faster. Couple that with the fact there was no prior indication of Flower Happiny’s rarity beforehand, and the expectations of its rarity from other events, and this may simply increase player spending.

As a reminder, Pokémon Go uses a typical lootbox and key gameplay mechanic where you can hatch one egg at a time for free, or pay to hatch more with paid-for additional incubators. You can hatch up to nine eggs at a time if you buy enough incubators, and you can purchase premium incubators to speed up hatching even further – making 2km eggs in the event hatch in just 670 metres.

그렇다면 Flower Happy를 찾는 것이 얼마나 어려운가요? 팬들은 어획량을 합산하고 각 계란 등급의 확률을 계산하려고 노력해 왔습니다. 팬 Reddit Silph Road의 최종 연구는 아직 작업 중이지만 초기 징후는 하루에 113개의 알을 부화한 팬은 바로 해피니입니다. – and everything else in its five-star tier – has around a 1-2 per cent chance of appearing.

이번 주말에 Eurogamer는 새로운 소식을 보도했습니다. research from UK universities that “robustly verified” a link between loot boxes and problem gambling – and highlighted FOMO (fear of missing out) as a particular problem.

We’ve contacted developer Niantic for more.

출처: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-04-06-pokemon-gos-easter-event-is-an-unexpectedly-bad-example-of-its-loot-box-style-incubators

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