나이팅게일은 이번 주 금요일에 활발한 3시간 스트레스 테스트를 받습니다.

나이팅게일은 이번 주 금요일에 활발한 3시간 스트레스 테스트를 받습니다.

소스 노드 : 3089201

Nightingale, the upcoming gaslamp fantasy game from Inflexion Games, will get a server stress test this Friday, 2nd February. It’s a one-day only affair – if that – running from 6pm to 9pm UK time (1pm to 4pm Eastern).

무작위로 선택된 플레이어 이전에 테스트에 등록한 한 시간 전부터 게임에 대한 액세스 권한을 받기 시작합니다. 그런 다음 다른 사람들도 일괄적으로 플레이하도록 초대됩니다. 다시 한 번 말씀드리지만 이는 무작위이므로 Steam에서 보내는 이메일을 주의깊게 살펴보세요.

“Our goal is for all players who signed up for the test to be able to participate. How quickly that happens will be dependent on how the test progresses,” Inflexion 말했다, explaining it will granting access in waves to assess how servers handle large amounts of players logging in at the same time and the developer’s ability to rapidly scale up in response.

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YouTube 동영상의 표지 이미지나이팅게일 | 출시일 예고편 | 게임스컴 2023

나이팅게일 출시일 예고편.

During this test, those participating will enter a “tailored version” of Nightingale’s early game experience. This means no tutorial and a nice upgrade to tools and gear.

Testers will also have access to a variety of already unlocked recipes. Infexion said this will be “the equivalent to what a Realmwalker can earn approximately 10 hours into a typical playthrough”, and will provide a little taster of what is in store further down the line.

Eurogamer’s own Nightingale, one Mr. Ed Nightingale, went hands-on with the game last year. You can read his thoughts in Eurogamer’s Nightingale preview here.

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