Nayib Bukele는 엘살바도르의 Bitcoin 법을 '두려워하는'미국을 비난합니다.

소스 노드 : 1230635

El Salvador president Nayib Bukele on Wednesday expressed disappointment at the US government for what he termed as fear of the country's work around its Bitcoin Law.

Bukele's comments came after news that the US Senate was set to vote on a bill touching on El Salvador's Bitcoin adoption.

XNUMXD덴탈의 지폐 dubbed “Accountability for Cryptocurrency in El Salvador (ACES) Act," passed the committee stage and would go to a vote before the US Senate.

‘ACES' was introduced in February and is being fronted as a buffer against any would-be risks associated with El Salvador's adoption of BTC as legal tender.

"미국 정부가 여기서 우리가 하는 일을 두려워할 것이라고는 꿈에도 생각하지 못했습니다.,” 부켈레 말했다 댓글에서.

Per the legislation,  US lawmakers are ‘worried' El Salvador's Bitcoin Law could pose risks to the US financial system. Promoters of the bill are reportedly pushing it as part of a regulatory framework to help mitigate the potential risks, including criminal organisations and even the empowerment of China.

법안이 통과되면 미 국무부와 재무부는 이러한 일이 일어나지 않도록 방지할 방법을 모색할 것으로 예상됩니다.

The US Senate's vote is yet another mark on the increasingly expanding circle of those to express concern or look to oppose El Salvador's adoption of Bitcoin as a legal tender. The IMF and World Bank have previously spoken about it, with the IMF earlier this year asking El Salvador to “drop” its Bitcoin Law.

But despite all these, the country continues to march forward with the ‘experiment', including the launch of a $1 billion Bitcoin bond.

포스트 Nayib Bukele는 엘살바도르의 Bitcoin 법을 '두려워하는'미국을 비난합니다. 첫 번째 등장 코인 저널.

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