미니 리뷰: The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story (PS5) - 슬릭 액션 RPG 스핀오프 확장

미니 리뷰: The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story (PS5) - 슬릭 액션 RPG 스핀오프 확장

소스 노드 : 2607110

Mageeseeker: 리그 오브 레전드 스토리 is the next building block in Riot Forge's ever-expanding League of Legends universe. It's a top-down, story-driven action RPG that tells the tale of Sylas, a magic-sensitive revolutionary who seeks vengeance on the titular Mageseekers after years of being kept in chains. Keen to kickstart a violent uprising alongside his fellow mages, you take control of Sylas across a number of combat-focused chapters while steadily upgrading his abilities and adding allies to his cause.

The storytelling is decent and the cast is quite endearing — but don't go expecting anything too in-depth from The Mageseeker's narrative. Context is dished out across quick conversations between characters, while additional details can be found in scribbled notes, scattered across levels.

게임의 주요 매력은 Mageseeker-mashing 전투로, 기본 콤보와 회피로 간단하게 시작하지만 요소 파괴의 복잡한 춤으로 발전합니다. 아시다시피 사일러스는 적의 마법 공격을 뜯어내고 용도를 ​​변경하여 원소의 약점을 공격하고 큰 피해를 입힐 수 있습니다. 또한 진행하면서 주문을 영구적으로 잠금 해제할 수 있으므로 각 미션 전에 마법 로드아웃을 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.

Fights are hectic affairs — especially later on — as you'll often be tasked with taking on large groups of foes in relatively small arenas. As such, nailing your dodges and effectively repositioning yourself is crucial, and that's without having to worry about using the right spells at the right time. It all gets very intense, although tougher encounters do feel like they're just throwing more and more of the same enemies at you in order to artificially inflate the challenge.

Still, tight controls make for a satisfying system, even if it can be a bit hard to see what's going on sometimes. The game's pixelated art style is impressively detailed, but all of the visual effects do have a habit of blending together during busy battles.

The Mageseeker는 즐겁고 표현력이 풍부한 액션 RPG로, 반가운 마음에 오래 머무르는 것을 부끄러워합니다.

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