2024년 - 시장 인프라 혁신의 전환점

2024 – 시장 인프라 혁신의 전환점

소스 노드 : 3084798

“전 세계적으로 전통적인 교류가 중요한 시기에 있습니다”라고 관찰합니다.
딜로이트 “2024년 은행 및 자본시장 전망”
보고서. "지금 그들이 내리는 전략적 선택에 따라 시장 점유율을 계속 성장하거나 유지하고 더 높은 수익을 얻을 수 있는지 여부가 결정될 수 있습니다." 

오늘날의 시장 인프라 제공업체는 증가하는 복잡성과 예측 불가능성을 탐색해야 합니다. 이러한 압박으로 인해 오래된 인프라를 긴급하게 현대화하고 기술 부채를 해결해야 할 필요성이 더욱 커지고 있습니다.

2024 is the year, I believe, we will bear witness to the much-anticipated tipping point for transformation of market infrastructure. The question now is: How can you ensure that your technological upgrade will be delivered within a timeframe that secures
your competitiveness?

어려운 선택

In the rapidly maturing and advanced landscape of trading technology, staying current is no longer optional. It has become imperative that outdated infrastructure for day-to-day operations is replaced, ensuring the robustness and endurance of the overall
technological framework.

Yet strategic choices, particularly concerning market infrastructure technology, are not always straightforward. Legacy providers, in particular, find themselves constrained by outdated technology – from constant project delays and cost concerns, to the
difficulty in implementing new features within their existing systems. The limitations of the old legacy systems are becoming increasingly apparent, especially when reaching their end-of-life date (when a vendor no longer markets, sells or releases that particular
equipment). As such, many exchanges are actively seeking new solutions to modernise their operations and remain competitive in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

최근 출판물
올리버 와이 먼
advises: “A wave of high-profile, drastic cost-cutting measures have been undertaken by the leading technology outfits and banks – and market infrastructure groups will not be exempt from economising. That’s why it’s important that market infrastructure
groups emphasise and deliver on sustainable performance improvements, mindful of their longer-term strategic growth agenda.”

Nasdaq CEO인 Adena Friedman은 이에 동의하며 인프라 업그레이드를 통해 선견지명을 바탕으로 수년간의 성장을 이룰 수 있다고 고객에게 확신시켰습니다. 그런데 그녀도

주의 사항
: "복원력에 투자하는 것은 어렵고 비용이 많이 들 수 있으며 회수 주기가 더 길어집니다…."

하지만 이것이 항상 사실입니까? 정말 이렇게 힘들고, 비용이 많이 들고, 시간이 많이 걸릴 필요가 있나요?

더 간단한 대안: 클라우드 기반, 자본급 솔루션

클라우드에 구애받지 않는 디지털 중심 기술 공급업체가 혁신을 해결한다면 당연히 SaaS를 통해 제공되는 클라우드 기반 자본급 솔루션(출시 시간 대폭 단축)이 표준이 되어야 합니다. 

Similar to other industries undergoing digital transformation, modern technology solutions are also becoming accessible for regulated exchanges – solutions that can easily handle, for example, more advanced trading strategies and new asset types. In particular,
these cloud-agnostic solutions still allow for deployment in on-premises setups with low-latency requirements, and across various environments (excluding production), resulting in substantial cost savings.

Previously, a CIO would be tempted to pay obscene amounts of money for what was considered a ‘safe’, albeit legacy-based, provider. Now forward-thinking decision-makers realise they need to change their approach, and are reviewing all available options in
order to ensure competitiveness. 

These forward-thinking decision-makers are asking the following question of their technology providers: Is there a multicloud offering? Can the system handle tokenisation and new asset types? What is the timeframe required for the development of a brand
new marketplace? And can maximum speeds of latency be maintained for high-frequency trading?

확실한 결과

In this year of ‘make or break’ for exchanges, I question the naysayers seemingly set against true innovative change. Those vendors who contend that investing in technology is hard, expensive and long, seem to often veer towards strategies that ultimately
delay and postpone change. Who does this really help?

Exchange가 새해를 시작하면서 반성이 필요합니다. 귀하의 기술이 방해가 아닌 촉진제 역할을 하고 있습니까? 귀하의 기술적 역량이 귀하의 목표와 원활하게 일치합니까? 그리고 그들은 신뢰할 수 있는 배송을 받을 수 있는 위치에 있습니까?

Successful exchanges will be those ready to adopt innovative technologies. An authentic understanding of the complexities involved with modern, digital-first infrastructures is therefore crucial. Furthermore, leveraging SaaS in this instance can mean advancing
your team’s velocity, since implementing this change will improve engagement, retention and elevate your team’s capabilities for agility, thus ushering in a departure from traditional big bang projects.

결국, 이는 거래소의 성능뿐만 아니라 생존도 문제가 될 수 있습니다.

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