2024年 - 市場インフラ変革の転換点

2024年 – 市場インフラ変革の転換点

ソースノード: 3084798

デロイトの「2024 年の銀行および資本市場の見通し」
報告。 「企業が現在行っている戦略的選択によって、市場シェアを今後も拡大し続けるか、あるいは維持し、より高い利益を獲得できるかが決まる可能性があります。」 


2024 is the year, I believe, we will bear witness to the much-anticipated tipping point for transformation of market infrastructure. The question now is: How can you ensure that your technological upgrade will be delivered within a timeframe that secures
your competitiveness?


In the rapidly maturing and advanced landscape of trading technology, staying current is no longer optional. It has become imperative that outdated infrastructure for day-to-day operations is replaced, ensuring the robustness and endurance of the overall
technological framework.

Yet strategic choices, particularly concerning market infrastructure technology, are not always straightforward. Legacy providers, in particular, find themselves constrained by outdated technology – from constant project delays and cost concerns, to the
difficulty in implementing new features within their existing systems. The limitations of the old legacy systems are becoming increasingly apparent, especially when reaching their end-of-life date (when a vendor no longer markets, sells or releases that particular
equipment). As such, many exchanges are actively seeking new solutions to modernise their operations and remain competitive in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

advises: “A wave of high-profile, drastic cost-cutting measures have been undertaken by the leading technology outfits and banks – and market infrastructure groups will not be exempt from economising. That’s why it’s important that market infrastructure
groups emphasise and deliver on sustainable performance improvements, mindful of their longer-term strategic growth agenda.”

ナスダック CEO のアデナ・フリードマン氏もこれに同意し、インフラストラクチャーのアップグレードは、先見の明があれば何年にもわたる成長を実現できると顧客に保証します。それでも彼女も

: 「レジリエンスへの投資は難しく、費用がかかる可能性があり、効果サイクルも長くなります…」


よりシンプルな代替案: クラウドベースの資本グレードのソリューション

クラウドに依存しない、デジタル中心のテクノロジー サプライヤーが変革に取り組むのであれば、権利上、SaaS 経由で提供されるクラウドベースの資本グレードのソリューション (市場投入までの時間が大幅に短縮される) が標準になるはずです。 

Similar to other industries undergoing digital transformation, modern technology solutions are also becoming accessible for regulated exchanges – solutions that can easily handle, for example, more advanced trading strategies and new asset types. In particular,
these cloud-agnostic solutions still allow for deployment in on-premises setups with low-latency requirements, and across various environments (excluding production), resulting in substantial cost savings.

Previously, a CIO would be tempted to pay obscene amounts of money for what was considered a ‘safe’, albeit legacy-based, provider. Now forward-thinking decision-makers realise they need to change their approach, and are reviewing all available options in
order to ensure competitiveness. 

These forward-thinking decision-makers are asking the following question of their technology providers: Is there a multicloud offering? Can the system handle tokenisation and new asset types? What is the timeframe required for the development of a brand
new marketplace? And can maximum speeds of latency be maintained for high-frequency trading?


In this year of ‘make or break’ for exchanges, I question the naysayers seemingly set against true innovative change. Those vendors who contend that investing in technology is hard, expensive and long, seem to often veer towards strategies that ultimately
delay and postpone change. Who does this really help?


Successful exchanges will be those ready to adopt innovative technologies. An authentic understanding of the complexities involved with modern, digital-first infrastructures is therefore crucial. Furthermore, leveraging SaaS in this instance can mean advancing
your team’s velocity, since implementing this change will improve engagement, retention and elevate your team’s capabilities for agility, thus ushering in a departure from traditional big bang projects.



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